Office of the Provost

Student Academic Grievance Policy and Process

University Hall

The University of Toledo recognizes a student's right to due process. The University understands the need to assure that student grievances about faculty actions are evaluated fairly and equitably and, for this purpose, UT has an established academic grievance policy and procedures for undergraduate and graduate students, which are outlined below.

What is an academic grievance?

The University recognizes a student's right to due process. An academic grievance is a complaint brought by a student regarding the university's education and academic services. Academic grievances must be based on a violation of a university rule, policy, or established practice.




Undergraduate Academic Grievance Process and Policy - undergraduate students follow these procedures.  A link to the official policy is also be found here.


Graduate students with an academic grievance should follow the procedures established by their respective academic college and review the Graduate Student Academic Grievance Policy. The College of Graduate Studies can assist students with general questions and provide guidance in identifying the appropriate contact within their academic college.

College of Law:  Academic Grievance process is outlined in the College of Law Student Handbook or view the College of Law Academic Rules.

College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences: Pharm D Program
Consult the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Catalog’s Pharm D Program section.  Process for “grade” grievance as well as grievance or appeal of academic progression decisions will be found there. Note decisions of any student grievance is restricted to the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.  

Note: Each college may have detailed implementation strategies and forms specific to that college, consult your academic adviser or college.



Last Updated: 7/15/24