Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning is a resource for all instructors at The University of Toledo. We seek to promote excellence and innovation in teaching. It works to create a culture which values and rewards activities that enhance instruction, and ultimately, student learning.



TrainingUniversity Teaching Advisory Council

Information and resources for and about the Advisory Council.

professor and studentys sitting at table

Faculty Resources for Student Success

Find resources to help your students be successful in the classroom. Review tips and talking points for midterm grading, suggestions for making referrals, and more. 


Online Teaching Resources

Series of opportunities focused on course design and other topics.

Resources for New Faculty & Teaching Assistants

Links to recorded workshops and other resources relevant to new instructors and TAs.

facultyResources for Student Referral

Find information on campus resources for students, organized as an easy-to-navigate series of “how-to” questions.

classroomHow-To Faculty Resources

Find answers here to the most commonly asked questions by faculty.  

coffee cup next to laptop

Monday Morning Mentor

Weekly series of 20-minute presentations on a variety of topics. Open to all faculty. 


Syllabus Resources

Syllabus resources to assist UToledo faculty with the development of their course syllabi.



Scholarship Of Teaching 
& Learning 

UTC & Carlson Library teaching resources LibGuide - from articles and books to DVDs and more.  We also have a Hybrid Teaching LibGuide for blended and online courses. 



Teacher-To-Teacher Resources

Find links, guides, and locally-made solutions sent to us by UToledo faculty members.

Service LearningService Learning Resources

This page is primarily for faculty who want to learn more, and who want to submit a course or section for the Service Learning designation. 


student with computer

Blended Course Design  Resources & Toolkit

Blended courses weave together the best of online teaching with the best active learning and community-building strategies of face-to-face classes. 

classroom tech
Classroom Support

Find classroom information and information on our active learning classrooms.



Check out campus teaching and learning events.  


Additional resources & research

Information and resources for the transition to teaching your course remotely.

Visual literacy will be available campus-wide to be included in any UToledo course. The curriculum modules will provide opportunities for UToledo students across all majors to master the ability to “speak visual” through targeted curriculum modules incorporated into their existing course offerings. The modules available can be used as homework or in-class assignments to support the development of fluency in visual language.

The American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), based on the research of George Kuh (High-Impact Educational Practices: What They Are, Who Has Access to Them, and Why They Matter, AAC&U, 2008), has identified ten top institutional practices in Higher Education that most likely to lead to lasting learning and ongoing engagement of students.

How we teach the students who enter our classrooms can make the difference between students who realize their potential and those who leave us discouraged about their possibilities. These resources, organized by topic, offer frameworks and strategies faculty can use to make their classrooms vibrant learning spaces for every student who walks through the door. 

MID-TERM GRADING - Early Graded Feedback as a Tool for Student Success
Providing students with early, formative feedback on their progress in your class is one of the most effective tools for improving successful course completion. This feedback also provides key data by which advisors can identify and intervene with students who may be struggling academically, which is important for improving retention and decreasing equity gaps in student success. In this session, instructors will learn tools for providing early graded feedback to students that are practical and time-effective for instructors and also provide meaningful feedback to improve student outcomes in your class

Creating Accessible Course Materials



Last Updated: 7/15/24