Department of Exploratory Studies

The Undecided Program

It's okay to be undecided

Choosing a major takes time.

University College has the guidance and tools to help you determine the perfect fit for you!


What you need to know about being undecided

1 in 5 students:
start with an undecided major

50% of students:
who are "decided" will change their intended major, too

Up to three semesters:
to choose a major

110 programs:
for UT undergraduates gives you power to explore

9 academic colleges:
at UT means the flexibility to change your mind

Academic advisors:
in University College are specifically trained to advise undecided students

The steps to being a deciding student at The University of toledo

Here's how we can help you discover the best major for your interests and skills.

  1. Apply to the Undecided Program

  2. Sample diverse course offerings
    • Develop a custom course plan with your academic advisor
    • Receive access to courses and tools designed for deciding students
    • Choose a mix of core education, special interest and self-discovery courses
  3. Develop your transferable skills
    • Strengthen universal life skills through coursework and self-discovery
    • Receive guidance from advisors on career and personal goals
  4. Explore career possibilities
    • Explore career options through the use of FOCUS 2, a career assessment tool, with the help of your Career and Self-Evaluation instructor
    • Envision potential careers with coordinated first-hand experiences with each college
  5. Align abilities with opportunities
    • Identify strengths, values and interests with self-assessments
    • Regroup with your advisor regularly in person, online or by phone
  6. Graduate on time with your peers
    • Commit to making your major decision in a timely manner
    • Maintain regular attendance and participation with classes and coursework
Last Updated: 7/15/24