Criminal Justice Program

Investigations 3 image Investigations 3 image 2 Mick and Josh Payne
The Criminal Justice Program at the University of Toledo is committed to providing students with an unparalleled education supplemented by the opportunity to gain real-world experience through internships.
Shadow of a person behind jail bars
Undergraduate Criminal Justice Program

A bachelor of science in criminal justice prepares students for a variety of career paths. Learn more

Graudation cap and roll of money

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Crime scene tape

Available Minors in Criminal

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laptop computer and open book on a desk inside a law library
Master of Arts in Criminal Justice

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Advisor and StudentPrior Learning Assessment

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Careers in Criminal Justice with gavel and handcuffs
Careers in Criminal Justice

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Students in the Police AcademyPolice Academy

A paid of handcuffs laying on a set of fingerprints

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criminal justice career fairCareer Fair



Last Updated: 7/15/24