UToledo Lake Erie Center


The UToledo Lake Erie Center is a research and educational facility focused on environmental conditions and aquatic resources in Maumee Bay and western Lake Erie as a model for the Great Lakes and aquatic ecosystems worldwide.



Safeguarding Water

Water quality is a major research focus at UToledo where experts are studying algal blooms, invasive species such as Asian carp, and pollutants to ensure continued access to safe drinking water.

Water Crisis in Toledo: 10 Years Later

Since a harmful algal bloom forced the city of Toledo to issue a “Do Not Drink” water advisory in 2014, UToledo has been working to protect water quality and the health of Lake Erie for the half million people in the region who depend on it for drinking water.

Maumee River FLOWS Project

The UToledo Lake Erie Center is outfitting a floating lab for science cruises. Scientists will engage local teachers and hundreds of middle and high school students in hands-on learning on the Maumee River.


MEET anthony tomalewski

Class of 2023, Environmental Sciences - Environmental Biology

Anthony Tomalewski"I have spent the last couple of years working in Dr. Bridgeman’s lab, where I help monitor Lake Erie and its coastal wetlands. I also conducted research projects with Dr. Bridgeman and Dr. Dwyer, which have been fantastic learning opportunities. I became more confident in my abilities, and the aha moment came when I took a study abroad course I took with Dr. Bossenbroek that took me to the island of Trinidad. We went to the small village of Grande Riviere, where we helped the nonprofit Turtle Village Trust tag and record leatherback sea turtles. That was a life-changing experience and I am determined to pursue a career in conservation because of what the leatherbacks taught me."


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Last Updated: 9/6/24