Department of Economics

Graduate Programs: Degree Requirements

In all cases, students must complete a minimum of 30 hours of graduate work which includes the following:

  • At least 21 hours of graduate credit in Economics (excluding 6930) must be included within the total of 30 hours presented for any graduate degree. The minimum of 21 hours in Economics must include at least one course from each of two different fields in addition to the following basic theory requirements (or their equivalents):

    Course Requirements
    Econ 5150 Advanced MacroEconomic Theory
    Econ 5200 Advanced MicroEconomic Theory
    Econ 5300 Mathematical Economics
    Econ 5810 Econometrics Models & Methods I
  • The graduate adviser may waive the Econ 5300 requirement for students who have an adequate background in mathematics.
  • Credits in excess of 7 hours in Economics courses numbered 6000 through 6990 will not ordinarily be applicable to the 30 hours.
  • Candidates for either degree are required to pass a comprehensive written examination in macroeconomics and microeconomics. In addition, the department may require an oral examination.
  • In addition to the 30 hours of course work, candidates must satisfy a writing requirement of either a master's thesis or a master's paper. 
  • A candidate who elects the thesis option must submit a thesis for review by a committee.
  • A candidate who elects the master's paper option must meet the following guidelines:
    • Submit your Master's Paper Proposal to your supervisor and reader.
    • Submit your completed Master's Paper to your supervisor and reader.
Last Updated: 7/15/24