Department of English Language and Literature

B.A. in English, Creative Writing Concentration

Both concentrations require a minimum of 36 credit hours in English, with an additional 18 credit hour in related fields.  See below about related fields. 
For information on Creative Writing electives, please consult the Creative Writing advisor.  Any Independent Study course in English must meet the department's Independent Study Policy.
Please note: these requirements are in effect beginning Fall 2023.  For earlier requirements, consult the Creative Writing advisor.

Core Requirement 1
Introduction to critical practice. Select one:                                        

ENGL 3360    Introduction to Poetry and Poetics
ENGL 3600    American Literary Traditions
ENGL 3610    British Literary Traditions
ENGL 3790    Foundations of Literary Study
ENGL 4780    Principles of Literary Criticism

3 credits 

Core Requirement 2
Literature excluded from the traditional canon. Select one:

ENGL 3670    Literature of Diverse and Nonwhite Communities
ENGL 3770    World Literature and Cultures
ENGL 4560    Literature of the British Empire 1850 to the Present
ENGL 4610    19th Century Latinx Literature
ENGL 4650    African American Writers before the 20th Century
ENGL 4660    African American Literature in the 20th Century
ENGL 4670    Asian American Literature

3 credits 

Core Requirement 3
Two courses in literature after 1800

ENGL 4280    American Fiction: 20th Century
ENGL 4500    British Literature: The Romantic Period
ENGL 4520    British Literature: The Victorian Period
ENGL 4540    British Literature: The 20th Century
ENGL 4560    Literature of the British Empire 1850 to the Present
ENGL 4610    19th Century Latinx Literature
ENGL 4620    American Romanticism
ENGL 4630    American Literary Realism
ENGL 4640    Early 20th Century American Poetry
ENGL 4650    African American Literature before the 20th Century
ENGL 4660    African American Literature in the 20th Century
ENGL 4670    Asian American Literature
ENGL 4680    American Literature since World War II

6 credits
Core Requirement 4

One course in a single author:                                                          

ENGL 3810    Shakespeare I
ENGL 4800    Chaucer
ENGL 4810    Shakespeare II
ENGL 4820    Milton
ENGL 4850    Studies in the Work of a British Author
ENGL 4860    Studies in the Work of an American Author

 3 credits

Requirements of the Creative Writing concentration

ENGL 3010 Creative Writing 3 credits

One course in literature before 1800:      

ENGL 3810    Shakespeare I
ENGL 4110    Old English 
ENGL 4120    Middle English
ENGL 4200    British Fiction: 18th Century
ENGL 4300    Medieval and Early Tudor Drama
ENGL 4310    British Drama To 1642
ENGL 4400    British Literature: The Medieval Period
ENGL 4420    British Literature: Renaissance
ENGL 4440    Early 17th Century English Literature
ENGL 4460    British Literature: Restoration and 18th Century
ENGL 4550    Literature of the British Empire Beginnings to 1850
ENGL 4600    Early American Literature
ENGL 4800    Chaucer
ENGL 4810    Shakespeare II
ENGL 4820    Milton

 3 credits

Two Creative Writing Workshops: 
ENGL 4080   Writing Workshop: Fiction
ENGL 4030   Writing Workshop: Non-Fiction
ENGL 4070   Writing Workshop: Poetry                                         

6 credits

One Creative Writing Elective:
ENGL 3020: Readings for Writers
ENGL 4950: Special Topics for Writers
ENGL 3080: Art and Process of the Book

3 credits

An Additional Creative Writing Workshop or Elective

3 credits
English elective (any ENGL class at the 3-4000 level, can be creative writing, literature, or in other subjects) 3 credits

Total number of credits required in English

36 credits

Both concentrations:  The major requires 18 total credit hours in related fields
outside of English, half of which must be at the 3000- or 4000 level.  These are
usually chosen from the other humanities, the social sciences, and interdisciplinary program.
The related fields may also be satisfied by taking a minor, or a second major. 
Consult with your advisor about minors, second majors and/or appropriate related fields.

18 credits
Last Updated: 3/5/25