Department of Geography and Planning

Peter Lindquist

Dr.LindquistProfessor Emeritus

Office SM 3020
Phone  419.530.4287

Curriculum Vitaepdf


Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee – Geography
M.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison – Landscape Architecture
B.S. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire – Biology & Geography 


Dr. Lindquist’s research interests in Geography began in the application of geographic information systems (GIS) to problems in urban transportation planning, most notably in mass transit ridership forecasting. Since then his research interests have extended into the development of specialized GIS software for applications in location analysis, emergency facility location for EMS services, accessibility to health care, enhanced vehicle routing, and simulation of freight movements.  Recently his work has also included the acquisition and management of a comprehensive database for freight movements in the upper Midwest.  Over the years his work has won recognition from the American Society of Landscape Architects, the Institute of Transportation Engineers and the Association of American Geographers. 

He is affiliated with the GISAG Center, the Urban Affairs Center and the Intermodal Transportation Institute at The University of Toledo.  He is also a partner in research with the National Center for Freight Infrastructure Research and Education at the University of Wisconsin and the Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute at The University of Wisconsin-Superior and University of Minnesota-Duluth.  Over the past five years he has served as either principal investigator or Co-PI on federally-sponsored research projects exceeding $1.1 million in funding.  Dr. Lindquist has participated in several comprehensive research projects with investigators from other universities and government agencies.  These include: 

Global Change in Local Places project sponsored by NASA and the Association of American Geographers (Penn State, Appalachian State, Kansas State, U. Toledo);

Upper Midwest Freight Corridor Study (UW-Madison, University of Illinois-Chicago, U. Toledo);

Mississippi Valley Freight Coalition Commodity Flow Study (UW-Madison, University of Illinois-Chicago, UW-Superior, UW-Milwaukee, U. Toledo)

Federal Integrated Navigation Data Enhancement initiative (FINDE) (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Customs, Internal Revenue Service, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, U. Toledo).



GEPL 4/5110 -  Introduction to GIS
GEPL 4/5180 - GIS Applications
GEPL 4/5520 - Analytical and Computer Cartography
GEPL 5580 - Location Analysis
GEPL 6190- Advanced GIS
SISS 7020 - Geographic Information Science in SISS


Last Updated: 3/17/25