Department of World Languages and Cultures

Dr. Kasumi Yamazaki

Dr. Kasumi YamazakiFollow me on Twitter

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Kasumi Yamazaki, Ph.D.

Director of Japanese Program & Associate Professor
Department of World Languages & Cultures
Office: Field House 2400J (MS 127)
Phone: 419-530-2583


Kasumi Yamazaki is the Director of the Japanese Program and Associate Professor of Japanese in the Department of World Languages & Cultures.  Dr. Yamazaki’s research focuses on a wide range of contemporary Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) pedagogy and integration, namely, the use of 3D simulation games and virtual realities (VRs), the development of intelligent CALL (ICALL) systems, and the effectiveness of technology-enhanced language learning curricula. Dr. Yamazaki currently advises in the Japanese Minor and Study Abroad Programs; she also teaches advanced level courses of Japanese as a Foreign Language (JFL) and culture. 

Areas of Expertise 

Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Technology Enhanced Language Learning, Japanese Language Pedagogy, English as a Second Language (ESL) Pedagogy


Peterson, M., Yamazaki, K., & Thomas, M. (2021). Digital games and language learning: Theory, development and implementation. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.

Thomas, M., & Yamazaki, K. (2021). Project-based language learning and CALL: From virtual exchange to social justice. San Marcos, TX: Equinox Publishing.

Yamazaki, K. (2020). Editorial: In 2020 and beyondTechnology in Language Teaching & Learning, 2(1), 1-2.

Yamazaki, K. (2019). Review of virtual world language learning research: Pedagogical application and challenges in Japanese language classrooms. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Assisted Systems for Teaching & Learning Japanese (CASTEL/J), 148-151.

Yamazaki, K. (2019). Editorial: Future of technology in language teaching & learning. Technology in Language Teaching & Learning, 1(1), 1-2.

Yamazaki, K. (2019). The effective use of a 3D virtual world in a JFL classroom: Evidence from discourse analysis. In E. Zimmerman & A. McMeekin (Eds.) Technology supported learning in and out of the Japanese language classroom: Advances in pedagogy, teaching and research (pp. 227-251). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Yamazaki, K. (2019). What happens when Japanese language learners take a course entirely in a 3D virtual world? OASIS Summary of Yamazaki (2018) in ReCALL.

Yamazaki, K. (2018). Computer-Assisted Learning of Communication (CALC): A case study of Japanese learning in a 3D virtual world. ReCALL, 30(2), 214-231.

Coleman, D. W., & Yamazaki, K. (2018). Simulation. In J. I. Liontas, & M. DelliCarpini (Eds.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Wiley Blackwell & TESOL International.

Coleman, D. W., & Yamazaki, K. (2017). Making effective use of the reality in virtual reality. In P. Hubbard & S. Ioannou-Georgiou (Eds.) Teaching English reflectively with technology (pp. 55-61). Canterbury: IATEFL.

Semaan, G., & Yamazaki, K. (2015). The relationship between global competence and language learning motivation: An empirical study in critical language classrooms. Foreign Language Annals, 48(3), 511-520. 

Yamazaki, K. (2014). Toward integrative CALL: A progressive outlook on the history, trends, and issues of CALL. The Tapestry Journal, 6 (1), 45-59.

General Press Article(s) 

Yamazaki, K. (2019). Traveling through in-betweens. A speech manuscript published at the 2019 United Way of Greater Toledo for Women's Empowerment Luncheon, Women of Toledo, Inc., Toledo, OH.

Upcoming Conference Talks


Conference Presentations & Workshops

Buenger, D., & Yamazaki, K. (2021, June 4). Connecting technology and language through MALL: Perceptions, uses, and critiques from global JFL learnersPaper to be presented at the Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) annual conference, Seattle, WA.

Yamazaki, K. (2019, August 11). バーチャルワールド言語学習論総説:日本語教育現場における応用実践と課題について (Review of virtual world language learning: Pedagogical application and challenges in Japanese language classrooms). Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Computer Assisted Systems for Teaching & Learning Japanese (CASTEL/J) annual conference, Busan, South Korea.

Yamazaki, K., & Semaan, G. (2019, March 15). Building L2 Literacy through Digital Storytelling: A Practical Guide. Paper presented at the 51st annual Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (CSCTFL) in conjugation with the annual conference of the Ohio Foreign Language Association (OFLA), Columbus, OH.

Fujioka, N., & Yamazaki, K. (2018, November 18). Using technology to achieve effective linkage of three communication modes. Paper presented at the 51st American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Annual Convention and World Languages Expo in conjugation with the American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ) annual fall conference, New Orleans, LA. 

Yamazaki, K. & Yonemochi, Y. (2018, August 24). Exploring the potentialities of a newly developed intelligent mobile-assisted language learning applicationPaper presented at the 26th European Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning (EuroCALL) annual conference, Jyväskylä, Finland.

Yamazaki, K. (2018, June 10). The effective use of digital storytelling in JFL classrooms: Sample projects and pedagogical reflections. Paper presented at the Japan Association for Language Teaching Computer-Assisted Language Learning (JALTCALL) annual conference, Nagoya, Japan.

Yamazaki, K. (2018, May 31). “It’s like The Magic School Bus!”: Learner perception and attitudes toward a 3D virtual world based Japanese as a Foreign Language (JFL) curriculum. Paper presented at the Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) annual conference, Champaign, IL.

Yamazaki, K., & Yonemochi, Y. (2018, March 22). 会話支援AIスマホアプリの開発に向けて:現状と今後の課題  (Developing an Intelligent Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (IMALL) application: Progress & challenges). In K. Yamazaki (Chair), 日本語教育AI:研究実践例と今後の課題 (Japanese language teaching and AI: Sample projects, research findings and future directions). Panel presentation conducted at the American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ) annual spring conference in conjugation with the 77th annual Association for Asian Studies (AAS) conference, Washington, DC.

Yamazaki, K. (2017, June 18). JFL learners’ active learning in a 3D virtual world: Outcomes & challenges. Paper presented at the JALTCALL annual conference, Matsuyama, Japan.

Yamazaki, K. (2017, March 16). 3Dーチャルワールドを用いた体験型コミュニケーション学習:会話分析から見えるもの (3D virtual world for experiential communicative learning: A discourse analysis of learner interactions). Paper presented at the AATJ annual spring conference in conjugation with the 76th annual AAS conference, Toronto, Canada.

Yamazaki, K. (2016, November 18). CALL meets JFL: The use of interactive novels in a JFL classroom. Paper presented at the 49th ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo in conjugation with AATJ annual fall conference, Boston, MA.

Yamazaki, K., & Semaan, G. (2016, March 12). Visual novels for the three modes of communication. Workshop conducted at the 48th annual CSCTFL in conjugation with the annual conference of the OFLA, Columbus, OH. 

Yamazaki, K. (2015, November 20). CALL meets JFL: A case study of Japanese learning in a 3D virtual world. Paper presented at the 48th ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo in conjugation with the AATJ annual fall conference, San Diego, CA. Yamazaki, K. (2015, March 26). バーチャルワールドを用いたコミュニケーション学習:日本語学習者のケース (Learning to communicate in a virtual world: The case of a JFL classroom). Paper presented at the AATJ annual spring conference in conjugation with the 74th annual AAS conference, Chicago, IL. 

Yamazaki, K., & Semaan, G. (2015, March 14). Creating hybrid foreign language classes: Advantages, design, and challenges. Paper presented at the 47th annual Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Language (CSCTFL), Minneapolis, MN.

Grants & Awards

2021 Outstanding Teacher Award, The University of Toledo
2019  The Best of JALT, Japan Association of Language Teaching
2019  Hamako Ito Chaplin Memorial Award for Japanese Teaching Excellence, Association of Asian Studies
2019  Outstanding World Language Technology Award, Ohio Foreign Language Association
2017  Outstanding University Woman Award, University Women's Commission
2017  Summer Research Awards & Fellowships, Office of Research & Sponsored Program
2017  Beginning Teacher Award, Ohio Foreign Language Association
2016  Foy & Phyllis Penn Kohler Fund for International Studies, Center for International Studies and Program

Last Updated: 3/7/25