John B. and Lillian E. Neff College of Business and Innovation

Paul C. Hong, Ph.D., CMA

Dr. Paul Hong

Distinguished University Professor 
Office: Stranahan Hall - 4042
Telephone: (419) 530 - 2054
Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Paul Hong is a Distinguished University Professor of Operations Management and Asian Studies Program at The University of Toledo, USA. He is a graduate of Yonsei University, Korea with a BA in Economics. He also has an MBA and a MA from Bowling Green State University, and a Ph.D. in Manufacturing Management and Engineering from The University of Toledo, USA. He is a certified management accountant (CMA). His primary teaching areas are: operations management, global sourcing and statistics (Undergraduate), supply chain management (MBA), new product development (EMBA), advanced statistics and supply chain management (Ph.D) and global supply chain management (post-doctoral Bridge program).

He has supervised 25+ Ph.D. dissertations and post-doc research collaboration projects and secured major research and instructional grant proposals. He has received numerous research and teaching awards including Distinguished University Professor (2018), 16th Korea SCM Industry Award For Individual Excellence (2017), Fulbright-Nehru Teaching and Research Excellence Award (2016), University Innovative Teaching Excellence Award (2016), University of Toledo Research and Scholarship Award (2015), Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence (2011), Journal of Operations Management Finalist Paper Award (2006) and multiple Best Paper awards in international conferences.

He also received research and teaching grants from the U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Transportation and Society of Automotive Engineers.  Since 2008 he has been a special issue editor for twelve journals including the International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Business Logistic and Benchmarking: An International Journal and Journal of Operations Management.  His primary research area is in the areas of network capabilities, global supply chain management, international comparative studies and building growth engine industries for national competitiveness. He has been frequently invited as a keynote speaker for major international global supply chain and technology conferences and global executive training workshops.

He has published articles in premier journals including Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Production Research, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Engineering Technology Management, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management,  International Journal of Technology Management, International Journal of Information Management, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Business Horizons, Journal of Cleaner Production and European Management Journal.  His global supply chain views have been featured in Forbes, US News & World Report, ABC News, Reader’s Digest, Business Insider, Asia Times Financial, Verify, Columbus Dispatch, Toledo Blade, Real Simple and others.

He released two books on ‘‘Development Network Capabilities in Turbulent Competitive Environments." The first volume focused on “Practices of Global Firms from Korea and Japan” (2012, PRC; Taylor Francis) and the second volume on “Success Stories of Global Firms from the BRICs” (2014, PRC; Taylor Francis).  His fourth book is on “Creative Innovative Firms from Japan: A Benchmark Inquiry into Firms from Three Rival Nations” (2019, Springer).  His fifth book is “Rising Asia and American Hegemony: Case of Competitive Firms from Four Leading Nations” (Springer, 2020).  He is chair of the New Populism Conference and editor-in-chief of the New Populism Encyclopedia by Springer (2022).

The University of Toledo, USA, 2000
Doctor of Philosophy, Manufacturing Management, and Engineering 
Thesis:  Knowledge Integration in Integrated Product Development

Bowling Green State University, Ohio, 1985

Master of Business Administration, Accounting & Master of Arts, Economics
Thesis: “The role of population in the industrialization of Japan: 1750-1945”.

Yonsei University, Korea
Bachelors of Arts, Economics

Certified Management Accountant (CMA) (Certification Number # 9432, 1994)

Global supply chain management focusing on (1) network capabilities for building firms with domestic advantage and global competitiveness; (2) entrepreneurial innovation for linking Top of Pyramid (ToP) and Base of Pyramid (BOP) markets.



BUAD 3020 (Principles of Manufacturing and Service Systems), OPMT 3610 (Manufacturing Planning and Control), OPMT 4420 (Service Operations Management), ASST 2100 (Asian Studies)


OPMT 5510 (Business Statistics with computer applications). OPMT 5520(Analysis of Manufacturing & Service Systems), BUAD 6600 (Supply Chain Management), OPMT 6960 (Master’s Thesis; Managing Operations)

EMBA 6320 (Product Development)


MFGM 8890 (Special Topics Seminar --Organizational Change Management), MFGM 8890 (Special Topics Seminar – Integrated Product Development), MFGM 8840 (Manufacturing Strategy), MFGM 8490 (Supply Chain and E-Business Issues in Manufacturing), MFGM 8960 (Doctoral Dissertation)

Post-Doc Bridge Program                       

Supply Chain Management Research Module (2008, 2009, 2010, 2013)


Book Chapters

Selected Journal Papers (SSCI/SCI/SCOPUS Journals. These are all regarded as leading journals in the business discipline for high impact factor) (**Corresponding Author)

Google Scholar Citations


Hong, P.C.Chennattuserry, J.C.Deng, X. and Hopkins, M.M. (2021), "Purpose-driven leadership and organizational success: a case of higher educational institutions", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 42 No. 7, pp. 1004-1017.

Hong, Paul* (2021).   The Long-Lasting Companies and Their Ecosystem.  KAPUA Letters: Journal of Korean American University Professors Association.  Vol. 8 No. 2. pp. 23-26.

Yang, So Ye., and Hong, Paul* (2021 In Press).  `Strategic Service Innovation in the Sports Industry: Case of the Korean Professional Baseball League’, International Journal of Services Operations Management, DOI:10.1504/ijsom.2020.10026123

Joseph Chacko Chennattuserry, Hong, Paul.,  and Joseph Varghese Kureethara*(2021 In Press)

               “The Merging Odyssey of Trade, Investment and Partnership: A Linkage Model of India and Korea Interactions”, International Journal of Business Excellence.

Wyszelacki, Frank., & Hong, Paul (2021). “Examining the Energy Sector”  Technology Century. Vol. 26 No. 1. pp. 30-32. (A Reported Article)




  • Hong, Paul **, Jagani, Sandeep., Kim, Jinhwan., Youn, Sun Hee (2019). “Managing Sustainability Orientation: An Empirical Investigation of Manufacturing Firms”. International Journal of Production Economies, Vol. 211 No. 5 pp. 71-81.
  • Hong, Paul *, Kallarakal, Tomy K., Moina, Mariam and Hopkins, Margaret (2018). “Managing Change, Growth and Transformation: Case Studies of Organizations in an Emerging Economy”, Journal of Management Development, Vol. 38 No. 4, pp.298-311,
  • Hong, Paul., Shcoenherr, Tobias., Hult, Tomas, Zinn, Walter and Goldsby, Thomas J. (2019). “Cross-functional and BoP issues in Logistics and Supply Chain Management” Journal of Business Logistics (In Press).
  • Park, YoungWon., and Hong, Paul (2019). Creative Innovative Firms from Japan: A Benchmarking Inquiry into Firms from Three Rival Nations. Springer. ISBN 978-981-13-1680-7







  • Park, YW., Hong, Paul., & Roh, J. (2013). "Supply chain lessons from catastrophic natural disaster in Japan”  Business Horizons, Vol. 56 No. 1, pp. 75-85
  • Youn, S., Yang, M., Hong, Paul., & Park, K (2013). “Strategic supply chain partnership, environmental supply chain management practices, and performance outcomes: an empirical study of Korean firms:,  Journal of Cleaner Production Vol. 56, pp. 121-130.
  • Cao, Y., Ajjan, H., & Hong, Paul**. (2013). Using social media applications for educational outcomes in college teaching: A structural equation analysisBritish Journal of Educational Technology,     Vol. 44 No. 4, pp. 581-593.
  • Shimizu, T., Park, Y., & Hong, P. (2013). Supply chain risk management and organisational decision making: a case study of a major Japanese automotive firmInternational Journal of Services and Operations Management, Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 293-312.
  • Hong, P., Park, Y., Choi, S., & Kim, S. C. (2013). Effective innovation strategy of Korean SMEs for emerging markets: A supply chain management perspective. International Journal of Logistics and SCM Systems, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 11-20.
  • Cao, Y., Smith, Y., & Hong, Paul**. (2013). Social media: fad or tool? What motivates college faculty to utilise Web 2.0 and 3.0 technologies in the classroom?. International Journal of Innovation in Education, Vol. 2 No.1, pp. 1-32.
  • Skiver, R. L., Hong, Paul**, & Lee, C. W. (2013). Challenges and opportunities for SMEs competing in the global market: a literature review for future research. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, Vol. 7 No.3-4, pp. 191-207.









  • Hong, Paul., Vonderembse, MA., Doll, WJ., & Nahm, AY (2005). Role change of design engineers in product development”. Journal of Operations Managemen.t Vol. 24 No. 1, pp. 63-79.
  • Liao, Ying., Hong, Paul**., & Fang, X. (2005). Information integration practices and performance outcomes. Journal of Information & Knowledge Management4(03), 191-200.
  • Park, J. A., Hong, P., & Gagnon, G. B. (2005). A Study of the Balanced Scorecard in the US Hotel Industry: Strategic Performance Measurement System. 관광연구20(1), 207-228.


Special Journal Issues (Completed; Editorial)

Editorial: Hong, Paul., Tobias Schoenherr**., Tomas Hult, Walter Zinn, and Thomas J. Goldsby, (2019) “Cross‐functional Management and Base‐of‐Pyramid Issues in Logistics and Supply Chain Management”, Journal of Business Logistics.  Vol. 40 No. 2. pp. 76-80.

  • Call for Papers. Hong, Paul., Mingu Kang and Yue Zhang. Dynamic benchmarking issues in emerging markets: building relevant theories and examining evolving practices

Editorial: Hong, Paul.Kang, M. and Zhang, Y. (2018), "Dynamic benchmarking issues in emerging markets: building relevant theories and examining evolving practices", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 25 No. 5, pp. 1274-1278.

Editorial: Building supply chain system capabilities in the age of global complexity: Emerging theories and practices. Angappa Gunasekaran, Paul Hong**, Takahiro Fujimoto. pp. 189-197.

3.6. Special Journal Issue (In Progress)

Call for Papers:

           Journal of Operations Management  

           “Operations Management within a Sharing Economy” (2020-2021)

            Guest Editors: Alan Mackelprang. David Dobrzykowski, Sachin Modi and Paul Hong

  • Manuscript submissions: May 31, 2021
  • First Round Review and decisions: August 31, 2021
  • Second Round Revision Submission: November 30, 2021
  • Final round review and decisions: January 31, 2022 
Call for Papers: Sustainability     

        "The Impact of Sustainability and Dynamic Capabilities on Global Supply Chain Management"

          Guest Editors: Young Won Park, Takahiro Fujimoto and Paul Hong

  • Deadline for Submission: June 30, 2021



UT Faculty experts   

New Populism Conference
Organizing Leadership:
Major Tracks:

  • September 22,2021. UT News

 Dr. Paul Hong, Distinguished University Professor of global supply chain management and Asian studies, discusses how the supply chain has yet to fully recover from pandemic-related factory closures.


 Dr. Paul Hong, Distinguished University Professor of global supply chain management and Asian studies, discusses the global shortage of semiconductor chips and other raw materials creating a bottleneck in production for manufacturers.

  • UToledoNews April 1, 2021

Business Insider: With Global Shipping In Turmoil, Small Businesses Have A Chance To Grab Market Share By Following 4 Principles
Dr. Paul Hong, Distinguished University Professor of global supply chain management and Asian studies, discusses how small businesses can be more nimble when navigating big supply chain changes.


  • UToledoNews March 31, 2021.

10TV Columbus: VERIFY: 'Ever Given' ship stuck in the Suez Canal cost the economy $400 million an hour

KHOU 11 Houston: Stuck Cargo Ship Freed, Suez Canal Reopens
Dr. Paul Hong, Distinguished University Professor of global supply chain management and Asian studies, discusses the cost of the Suez Canal closure.

     KING 5 Seattle: 'Ever Given' ship stuck in the Suez Canal cost the economy $400M an hour
Dr. Paul Hong, Distinguished University Professor of global supply chain management and Asian studies, discusses how much trade goes through the Suez Canal daily.

     13 WTHR Indianapolis: Could the Suez Canal clog cause supply shortages?
Dr. Paul Hong, Distinguished University Professor of global supply chain management and Asian studies, discusses why we won’t see shortages of toilet paper and coffee in stores.

  • UToledo News - March 29, 2021

Forbes: Blocked Suez Canal Is Latest Reminder Why Companies Need Crisis Plans
Dr. Paul Hong, Distinguished University Professor of global supply chain management and Asian studies, discusses the Suez Canal crisis and its ripple effects. 
13 ABC: Suez Canal blockage impacting global supply chain
Dr. Paul Hong, Distinguished University Professor of global supply chain management and Asian studies, discusses the Suez Canal crisis and its ripple effects.



Honors & Awards

  • 2018 Distinguished University Professor, The University of Toledo. Appointment to the rank of a Distinguished University Professor is the highest permanent honor the University of Toledo can bestow on a faculty member. Those named Distinguished University Professor have earned national and/or international recognition and distinction for educational, artistic and/or scholarly contributions that have been transformative in their field. The duration of the appointment as a Distinguished University Professor is unlimited and the title may be retained even after a faculty member has retired from the University.
  • University of Toledo Outstanding Faculty Research Award.  Most prestigious university level award for research achievements.  The award letter states, “The selection committee, which was comprised of past recipients of the Outstanding Faculty Research Award, noted the wide-ranging importance of your work and its impact on the international business community. Also, you have developed a strong record of scholarship with numerous publications and positive reviews of recent work. Finally, as was noted for the other recipients of this year’s awards, your excellent research is but a part of a well-balanced approach to your work as a faculty member. You also have an outstanding record of service and mentorship for students and other faculty.”
  • 2016 Innovative Teaching Excellence Award (University of Toledo, Center of Teaching Excellence, 2016)
  • 2013  Service Excellence Award, College of Business and Innovation, The University of Toledo
  • Distant Learning Faculty Fellowship (May 2001) University College of Toledo Ohio.  $8,000
  • 2007 Outstanding Research Award. College of Business Administration, University of Toledo.  This award is based on his outstanding research from 2000-2006.
  • Outstanding Teaching and Research Excellence Certificate (PSG Institute of Management, India, 2016).  Based on teaching of MBA courses in PSG Institute of Management and faculty research collaboration from 2009 till present.
  • Special Topic Teaching Grants (2002, 2004), College of Business Administration, University of Toledo.  $5,000
  • Summer Research Grant (April 2002, 2006), College of Business Administration, University of Toledo.   $20,000.
  • University Research and Fellowship Program (URAFP) (2000) “Case Studies of Knowledge Integration in Integrated Product Development”.   $10,000.
  • International Research and Teaching Grant (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2015),  The Foy D. and Phyllis Penn Kohler Fund. 
  • University of Toledo Provost Scholarship Travel Grant(2015) 
External Service Awards/Teaching Grants
  • Fulbright award to India (Start day January 2017 for six months). Awarded by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB) and Fulbright-Nehru grant.  Primary work will be at Christ University (Bangalore, India) along with other Indian Universities including PSG Institute of Management on entrepreneurial innovation for global supply chain management. Projects include faculty research workshops and entrepreneurial leadership academy for honor students.
  • 16th Korea SCM Industry Award for Individual Excellence (11-16-2017).   This is based on 10+ years of lifetime service award of excellence for the advancement of knowledge and expertise in global supply chain management from the Korean Supply Chain Management Association.
  • U.S. Department of Education (Business and International Education Program) “Enhanced Competitiveness of U.S. Small and Medium Size Firms through the Development and Utilization of Secure and Efficient Supply Chains.”  Co-Investigator on a team of faculty from College of Business Administration (PI: Tom Sharkey  and colleagues) to enhance competitiveness of small and medium size businesses.  Funded for $172,210 from July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2009. 
  • U.S. Department of Transportation University Transportation Center (UTC), “Transportation for Economic Security and Development." Co-Investigator on a team of faculty from College of Business Administration supply chain management.  University of Toledo received the entire funding for this UTC grant as lead partner in collation with several other universities.  Funded for $2,000,000 from October 2005 to September 2009.(PI Mark Vonderembe from U of Toledo and others including those from Ohio-Michigan areas of schools)
  • Michigan-Ohio Instructional Grant (December 2007): Global Supply Chain Management/Transportation Efficiency Systems Graduate Degree Program. Funded by  University of Toledo-UTC.  Co-Investigator $50,811
  • University Transportation Center Grant on “Global Supply Chain Management/Transportation Building a Global Network of Scholars and Educators" (May 2009),  Principal investigator $50,000
  • University Transportation Center Grant ON “Global Supply Chain Management/Transportation Building a Global Network of Scholars and Educators" (May 2010),  Principal investigator $10,000
  • International Business Institute Research Grant (March 2002), College of Business Administration, University of Toledo. $8,000
  • Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Ph.D. Dissertation Pilot Study Grant (1997), To support a pilot project of Shared Knowledge in Integrated Product Development.  $7,000
  • Society of Automotive Engineers Ph.D. Dissertation Large Scale Survey Grant (January 1999), This grant is to support the large survey research on “Shared Knowledge in Integrated Product Development”.  $10,000 
Research Paper Awards (Journals and Conferences) 

  • Paul Hong., Vonderembse, M., Doll, William.,  Nahm, Abraham. 2005 “Role Changes of Design Engineers in Integrated Product Development”, Journal of Operations ManagementVol.  24. No. 1. 2005. pp. 63-79.(2006 JOM Best Paper Finalist). August 14, 2006, Annual Academy of Management Conference). Journal of Operations Management is consistently regarded as #1 journal in the areas of operations and supply chain management. 
  • Paul Hong, Dobrzykowski, D.D and Vonderembse, M. “Integration of supply chain IT and lean practices for mass customization:  benchmarking of product and service focused manufacturers”,   Benchmarking: An International Journal. Vol 17, No. 4, pp. 561-592,  2010. (Received Emerald Literati Network 2011 Awards for Excellence).
  • Paul Hong, Roh, James., and Hwang, W.  “Global Supply Chain Strategy: From a China Market Perspective” Best Paper Award (Honorable mention)  at the Annual Symposium on Supply Chain Management, September 29-October 1, 2006. Toronto, Canada.
  • Youn, Sunhee., Yang, Maga(Mark).  Paul Hong, Best Research Paper Award Midwest Decision Sciences Institute. “Strategic Supply Chain Partnership, Environmental Supply Chain Management Practices, and Performance Outcomes”. April 24-26, 2010.  This paper is based on the research on Korean global firms with Korean post-doc scholar, Dr. Sunhee Youn whom he invited to University of Toledo as a post-doc researcher.
  • Tomono, T., Park, Youngwon., Paul Hong “Build to Order System of Japanese Manufacturers: Case Studies” Best Research Paper Award. at the 4th International Symposium and Workshop in Global Supply Chains. (Madrid, Spain, September 24-26, 2011). This paper is based on his collaborative research with Japanese scholars on the global manufacturing practices of Nissan Motor Company.
  • Park, K., Dwyer, D., Paul Hong, Min, H., Modi, Sachin . “Flexible and Redundant Supply Chain Practices to Build Strategic Supply Chain Resilience: Empirical Study”.  Best Paper Award AT 22nd Annual North American Research Symposium and Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. March 16, 2012.
  • Kim, Seungchul. and Paul Hong “Strategic Integration of Global Supply Chain for Green Reputation: Case of Korean Global Firms” Best Paper Award.  at 10th PMAC Conference, 2012 (Toronto, Canada).  September 30-October 2, 2012.
  • Best Paper Award.  Cao, Yingxia, Paul Hong* and Le, Thuong. “Using Social Media for Competitive Advantage:  An Empirical Study” 23rd Annual North American Research Symposium and Purchasing and Supply Chain Management.  March 14, 2013.  Tempe, Arizona.
  • Finalist Best Paper Award (runner up), Harold E. Fearon Best Paper Award Journal of Supply Chain Management on the paper:
  • Dobrzykowki, David., Leuschner, Rudolf., Hong, Paul., and Roh, James. “Examining Absorptive Capacity in Supply Chains: Linking Responsive Strategy and Firm Performance”, Journal of Supply Chain Management (SSCI) Vol. 51 No. 4, pp. 3-28.

Ph.D. Dissertations

  • Greg Rawski (Co-Chair with William J. Doll). “Effects of Work Integration and Knowledge Integration in Integrated Product Development”(Dissertation Defense Summer, 2005)(University of Evansville, IN)   
  • Ying Liao (Co-Chair with Subba Rao). “Supply Chain Flexibility: the Antecedents, Driving Forces, and Impacts on Performance”(Dissertation Defense, December, 2006)(Meredith College)
  • Robert Hutchinson (Chair). “The Impact of Managerial Accounting Systems on the Long Term Success of Time-Based Manufacturing Practices” (Dissertation Defense July 20, 2007)(Michigan Technology University, MI)  
  • Heebung Kwon** (UT Post-Doc Bridge Program Chair) “Implementation of Strategic Green Orientation: Conceptual Framework for Empirical Study” (2008) (Colorado State University, CO)
  • James Roh (Chair). “From Responsive Strategy to Market Responsiveness: In Pursuit of Responsive Supply     Chains” (Dissertation Defense, February 2, 2009) (Rowan University, NJ)  
  • Youngsoo Park (Co-Chair).  “Uncertainty, Equivocality and Integrative Process Mechanisms in Product Development". (Dissertation Proposal Defense, June 15, 2009),  Dissertation Defense (Dissertation Defense, Feb. 18, 2010)(Midwest University, MO). 
  • Sut Sakchutchawan (UT Post Doc Bridge Program Chair),  “Contemporary Logistics Innovation for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Illustrations of Cases”(2010) (Waynesburg University, PA)
  • Yingxia Cao (Co-Chair UT Post-Doc Bridge Program),  “Antecedents of Social Media Network and Performance Outcomes”(2010) (Lavern University, CA) 
  • Angela Park (Co-Chair with Mark Vonderembse).  “The Impact of AMT (Advanced Medical Technology) and IT (Information Technology) on Health Care Performance” (2012). 
  • Ryan Skiver (Chair). “A Framework to Evaluate the Relationship between Product Complexity and Organizational System Outcomes: The Effect of Coordination Mechanisms on Firm Performance” (Dissertation Defense, May 20, 2013) (University of Wisconsin- Oshkosh, WI) 
  • Sunhee Youn (Research Supervisor).  Two-year appointment (2013-2015) for conducting research in the areas of supply chain management.  Resulted in six journal publications (3 SSCI + 3 SCOPUS)(CEO of Dream Sherpa). 
  • Saad Alflayyeh (Chair).  “Managing Supply Chain Complexity Challenges through Effective Integrative Supply Chain Network and Comprehensive Competence Practices” (Dissertation Defense, October 27, 2013) (Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia) 
  • Nehemiah Scott (Co-Chair). “Flourishing in the Complex Business Environment: Realizing Adaptable and Endurable Performance by Applying the Ambidexterity Paradox to Firm and Supply Chain Practices” (Dissertation Defense, May 18, 2015)(University of Illinois—Urbana Champaign, IN) 
  • Mohammed Hajazi (Chair).  “Managing Service Complexity: Theory Development and Empirical Investigation.” (Dissertation Defense: August 20. 2015)(University of Business and Technology Dhaban – North Jeddah, Saudi Arabia). 
  • Shuting Li (Chair).  “Linking Contextual Drivers, Network Responses, Risk Management Capabilities, and Sustainable Outcomes: Theoretical Framework and Empirical Examination” (6-21-2016 Dissertation Defense) (Fudan University, China) 
  • Armond Sinclair (Chair).  “Achieving Integrity with Productive Outcomes: Lessons from Concurrent Engineering for the US Department of Defense Major Defense Acquisition Programs” (May 9, 2017 Dissertation Defense) (Northrup Grumman Aerospace Systems) 
  • Sandeep Jagani (Co-Chair) “By-product, sustainability performance of manufacturing firms. December, 2016, Proposal Defense April 27, 2018)(Illinois State University, USA) 
  • Nitya Singh (Chair) “Three Essays on Developing Risk Management Capabilities for Achieving Supply Chain Outcomes: Theoretical and Empirical Examinations of Manufacturing and Logistics Industries” (Dec 12, 2016, March 28, 2018: Dissertation Defense) (Salisbury University, USA) 
  • Blaine Stout (Chair).  “How the capture and integration of Big and Small Data in Manufacturing Organization Creates Value ad Impact Performance) (Dissertation Defense: December 15, 2018) (Managing Director of IBDS Inc)
  • Shubham Singh (Chair).  “Big Data Analytics Capability and Organizational Performance Outcomes) (May 16, 2019 Dissertation Defense) (Indiana University, Fort Wayne, IN, USA)
  • Ambon Zuhier (Chair).  “Strategic and Operational Practices for Domestic Advantage and Global Competitiveness: Case of Saudi Arabia” (May 23, 2019 Dissertation Proposal Defense)
  • Ghadeer Alsanie (Chair).  “Dynamic Drivers, Strategic-Operational Practices, and Competence Assessment Outcomes: Perspectives for the Future World of Work”(Proposal Defense (Proposal Defense 4-17-2020)
  • William McCreary (Co-Chair).  Skill Enhancement and Sales Leadership Development: Case for Evolutionary Software Driven Serious Simulation Games (063020-57) (Dissertation Defense July 24, 2020) (CIO of University of Toledo, OH, USA)
  • Xiyue (Elsie) Deng (Chair) Dynamic Drivers, Risk Management Practices, and Competitive Outcomes: Applying Multiple Research Methods " (Proposal Defense 11-18-20).
  • Zhezhu Wen (Chair) Three Essays on Operations & Supply Chain Agility, Emerging Technologies, and Environmental Dynamism” (Proposal Defense  11-29-2020)(Winona State University, MN).


  • Beta Gamma Sigma
  • Academy of Management (AOM)
  • Decision Science Institute (DSI)
  • American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
  • Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)
Last Updated: 11/5/24