Lindsey Shepherd - Audit Support Intern (Gilmore, Jasion, Mahler, LTD)
I was hired as an Audit Support intern at Gilmore, Jasion, Mahler, LTD, which means that I support the audit team with anything they need help with. I assist different auditors doing work such as processing and finalizing financial statements, which means I am the last eyes to look at the financial statements before hard copies are printed. I also do a lot of reference checks, checking the financial statements to make sure they follow certain guidelines and that the numbers are correct. I frequently use a program called Proftcents, which involves inputting data used to compare current financials with those of the previous year, and I also format a lot of projects using Word and Excel. A huge part of my job consists of doing any projects that the auditors need me to do; my job is to make their lives easier. I also will have the opportunity to interview three of the partners at GJM and complete three journals.
The thing I enjoy most about my job is the people. I work with amazing people who are more than willing to help me out with anything I need. I feel like I could go to anyone in the firm with a question and they would be happy to answer it. Everyone is very friendly and easy to get along with, which makes for a great experience.
This job fits my personal career goals by providing me with an opportunity to continue to learn and gain as much real world experience as I can to prepare for my future, to become the accountant that I want to be, and this is a great start.
COBI played a role in helping me obtain this position through the job fair in fall, 2014. I had an interview with GJM in the Savage & Associates Business Complex, which made things very convenient. Also, COBI provides great opportunities to learn to prepare for situations such as these.
COBI prepared me for this position by allowing me to get involved with other business students around me. I have learned so much by making connections with people and by growing my network. COBI provides a tremendous amount of opportunities to practice professionalism, such as resume building, interviewing skills, and public speaking. I am also involved in Alpha Kappa Psi, which is an organization that is extremely involved within the College of Business and Innovation, and I believe that without this organization I would not be where I am today.
I selected The University of Toledo College of Business and Innovation because, compared to all of the business colleges that I visited, this one stood out to me the most. The fact that the facilities were brand new really appealed to me. I took a tour my senior year of high school and the energy and dedication of the people in the program was very apparent, which was inspiring to me. Listening to all of the opportunities that the College of Business had to offer made my decision pretty easy. I knew I would love it, and I could not be happier with the choice that I made.
I am double majoring in accounting and management. I chose accounting because I took it for three years in high school and it was one of my favorite experiences. It came easy to me, so I wanted to continue learning about it in college. I chose management because I always seem to find myself in leadership positions, whether it was during sports in high school or being involved on campus. I also took a management class in high school and I enjoyed learning about the different ways to handle situations. I am very organized and numbers driven, and I highly enjoy building relationships with people, which makes these majors a good fit for me.
I would tell people considering to attend the UT College of Business and Innovation that it is the best decision they will ever make. Not only do you get the opportunity to take great classes and meet amazing professors, but you get to learn how to be professional in the real world. There are classes that are solely based on resume building and the do’s and don’ts of professionalism, so take advantage of them. It allows you to attend events that aren’t offered in other colleges across campus. It is a great opportunity that should not be passed up.
I now have an internship with Marathon Petroleum Corporation for fall, 2015. I owe it to GJM allowing me this great opportunity as a younger intern, to the classes that have helped me further develop my business knowledge and skills, and to Alpha Kappa Psi that has provided me with a great network of people.