Quality Matters
What is Quality Matters? |
Quality Matters (QM) is a nationally recognized, faculty-driven peer-review process used to ensure the quality of online and blended course design. The Quality Matters higher education rubric is a set of standards used to evaluate the design of online and blended courses. These standards were developed and revised based on research and established best practices in the fields of instructional design and online learning.
At UToledo we strive to meet Quality Matters standards for our online and blended courses. Instructional designers, who are also certified Quality Matters peer-reviewers, work with faculty and teaching assistants to apply QM standards in online and blended learning course design.
QM Course Reviews |
There are three types of Quality Matters reviews:
- Self-review: Instructor reviews their own course for improvement using QM standards.
- Informal review: An unofficial course review conducted by a UToledo Online instructional designer (who is a QM certified peer reviewer). Used to improve upon a course design and/or help an instructor prepare their course for an official QM review.
- Official review: Course is reviewed by a team of 3 QM certified peer reviewers from other institutions. The course is officially recognized by Quality Matters upon meeting QM rubric standards.
Faculty are encouraged to submit their online or blended courses for a Quality Matters review. If you are interested in an informal or official QM review, please contact your instructional designer.
Watch the video below to hear from UToledo faculty who have had their courses reviewed and recognized by QM:
QM Professional Development |
UToledo Online works with Quality Matters and the Ohio Quality Matters Consortium to offer QM professional development workshops and courses, including:
- Improving Your Online Course Workshop (offered by the Ohio QM Consortium)
- Applying the Quality Matters Rubric Workshop (offered by UToledo Online or the Ohio QM Consortium. This workshop is part of the UToledo Online Pathway Program)
- QM Peer Reviewer Course (offered by Quality Matters. This course is part of the UToledo Online Pathway Program)
- QM Master Reviewer Course (offered by Quality Matters)
For more information, please contact your instructional designer.
QM Certified Peer Reviewers at UToledo |
UToledo faculty and teaching assistants are committed to quality online course design. Many have become QM certified peer reviewers and have served on QM course review teams for institutions across the country. If you are interested in becoming a QM certified peer reviewer, please contact your instructional designer.
Watch this video to learn more about the reviewer experience from UToledo faculty that are QM certified peer reviewers: