Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Dr. Thomas Stuart


Professor Emeritus


  • Power Electronics
  • Real-time Embedded Systems
  • Battery Management


Thomas Stuart received the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Iowa State University in 1972. Prior to that he was employed by Martin Company, Honeywell and Collins Radio. From 1972 to 1975 he taught at Clarkson College and he has been at the University of Toledo since 1975. He is a Life Senior Member of IEEE and the recipient of the 1996 UT COE Faculty Research Award, 1998 UT Faculty Research Award, 1998 UT Doermann Lecturer Award, and 2002 SAE Vincent Bendix Automative Electronics Engineering Publication Award. 


  • T. Stuart and W. Zhu, “Modularized Battery Management for Large Lithium Ion Cells”, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 196 pp. 458-464, 2011.
  • T. Stuart and W. Zhu, “A Targeted Equalization for Lithium Ion Battery Packs”, IEEE VPPC09 Conference, paper TS04A-1, Dearborn, MI, Sept., 8, 2009.
  • G. Landrum, T. Stuart, and W. Zhu, “Fast Equalization for Large Lithium Ion Batteries”, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol. 24, No.7, July 2009, pp 27-31 also presented at IEEE Oceans08 Conference, Paper 080530-008, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 16, 2008.
  • A. Stienecker, T. Stuart, and M. Flute, “Improved Battery Charging in an Ultracapacitor-Lead Acid Battery Hybrid Energy Storage System Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicles,” SAE 2006 World Congress, Paper 06P-226, Detroit, MI, April 4, 2006.
  • A. Stienecker, T. Stuart, and C. Ashtiani, “An Ultracapacitor Circuit for Reducing Sulfation in Lead Acid Batteries for Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicles", Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 156, Issue 2, pp.755-762, 2006.
  • A. Stienecker, T. Stuart, and C. Ashtiani, “A Combined Ultracapacitor-Lead Acid Battery Energy Storage System for Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicle,” 2005 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Chicago, IL, September 2005.
  • A. Hande and T. Stuart, "A Selective Equalizer for NiMH Batteries," Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 138, pp. 327-339, November 2004.
  • A. Hande and T. Stuart, "A Selective Boost Equalizer for Series Connected NiMH Battery Packs," IEEE Workshop on Power Electronics in Transportation, Dearborn, MI, pp. 151-157, October 2004.
  • T. Stuart and A. Hande, "HEV Battery Heating Using AC Currents," Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 129, No.2 pp. 368-378, April 2004.
Last Updated: 7/15/24