Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Power Electronics and Energy Systems

Group Leader: Roger King
Members: Thomas Stuart, Raghav Khanna
Contact: roger.king@utnet.utoledo.edu

About Power Electronics and Energy Systems (PEES)

This group is concerned with the processing and conversion of electrical energy. Examples of this include high power electronic circuits, power switching devices and systems that convert electric energy into other energy forms.

Area of Focus

The Power Electronics and Energy Systems faculty conduct research in several areas like:

  • Electric Power Converters
  • Energy Storage Devices
  • Power Electronic Devices



FCCS Laboratory Integration, Angle View

Seahorse II Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)

Complete GEM Fuel Cell Hybrid (FCH), Side View


  • Power Electronics Lab
  • Electric Machines Lab


  • Electronic Power Supplies
  • Hybrid Electric Vehicles
  • Fuel Cell Vehicles
  • Alternative Energy Systems


Dr. Stuart's research is in the areas of Power Electronics and Alternative Energy.

Dr. King's research is in the areas of Power Electronic Circuit Design and Modeling.

Dr. Raghav Khanna's research is in the areas of Wide bandgap semiconductor device modeling for next generation power electronic circuits, renewable energy systems, electric vehicular power conversion circuits, and maximum power point tracking for photovoltaic power conversion circuits.


This group is partially supported by

  • US Navy
  • Ohio Department of Development
  • Ohio Third Frontier Project

Contact Info

Dr. Roger King, Professor 
Department of Electrical Engineering & computer Science
2064 Nitschke Hall, Mail Stop 308
The University of Toledo
Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390
Phone : (419) 530-8188
Fax : (419) 530-8146
Email: roger.king@utnet.utoledo.edu

Last Updated: 7/15/24