Multiple-Campus Master Plan

Multiple-Campus Master Plan 

The University of Toledo is updating its campus master plan to reinvigorate the core of Main Campus around Centennial Mall and invest in both clinical and student spaces on Health Science Campus.

The initial comprehensive multiple campus master plan approved in 2017 and detailed on this website provided a roadmap for campus improvements for a 10-year period.

UToledo has completed approximately 75% of what was laid out in the first half of that plan, including building the new public safety building that opened in 2020, razing the Transportation Center in 2021 and Carter Hall in 2022, and improving the pedestrian bridge by Savage Arena and adding a kayak launch area to the Ottawa River walk in 2019. Centennial Mall underwent an extensive enhancement project in 2021 and the North Engineering high-bay renovations were celebrated in 2023. UToledo also has invested in numerous renovations to libraries, classrooms, research labs and clinical spaces across both campuses during the past five years. 

The UToledo Board of Trustees approved Feb. 28, 2024 a resolution in support of an update to the campus master plan to support the University’s growing strengths in STEM-H educational programs, high-quality patient care, cutting-edge research and championship athletics.

As update projects move forward, the UToledo Board of Trustees will approve the financing for each project separately and will include a mix of state capital dollars, the University borrowing from the capital markets and philanthropic support. The updated campus master plan would be phased in during the next five years and is expected to be a $300 million to $400 million investment.

Read more about the updates in the UToledo News story titled Updated Campus Master Plan Invests in UToledo’s Future.

Download the executive summary of the master plan 

Last Updated: 2/4/25