Howard M. Friedman
Distinguished University Professor and
Professor of Law Emeritus
E-mail: Howard.Friedman@utoledo.edu
Professor Howard M. Friedman, a faculty member since 1970, is a graduate of Ohio State University (BA), Harvard University (JD) and Georgetown University (LLM). He headed the Cybersecurities Law Institute until 2005 where he created the Financial Regulators Gateway, an online guide to securities, banking and insurance regulators around the world. In 2005 Prof. Friedman began Religion Clause, a blog devoted to legal and political developments in free exercise of religion and separation of church and state. It was named by the ABA in 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2011 as one of the 100 top legal blogs in the nation.
Prior to joining the faculty, Professor Friedman was an attorney for the Securities
and Exchange Commission and a faculty member at the University of North Dakota Law
School. He has also taught at Notre Dame University, Case Western Reserve University
and St. John's University Law Schools.
Prof. Friedman has published four books: Publicly Held Corporations: A Lawyer’s Guide
(Oxford University Press, 2011); Securities Regulation In Cyberspace (Third Edition,
Aspen Publishers, 2001 with annual updates); Ohio Securities Law & Practice, 3d edition (Lexis-Nexis,
2005 with annual updates); and Securities and Commodities Enforcement (Lexington Books
1981). In addition Prof. Friedman has published over 25 articles and book chapters
in areas that include securities and corporate law, First Amendment law, and white
collar crime. Currently he is writing a book on Publicly Held Corporations that will
be published by Oxford University Press.
Professor Friedman speaks around the country to legal and professional groups.
Professor Friedman has been active in a number of professional, civic and philanthropic organizations including the Ohio State Bar Association where he chaired the Corporation Law Committee from 2005 to 2007.
distributed by LexisNexis).
SECURITIES REGULATION IN CYBERSPACE -Third Edition with annual updates (Aspen Publishers)
(Bowne & Co. was the publisher of the First Edition 1997, Second Edition 1998, and
Third Edition 2001).
OHIO SECURITIES LAW AND PRACTICE (Third Edition, Lexis-Nexis, 2005, with annual updates);
First Edition (Banks Baldwin, 1987); Second Edition ( Anderson, 1996); and annual
supplements through 2004).
SECURITIES AND COMMODITIES ENFORCEMENT: Criminal Prosecutions and Civil Injunctions
(Lexington Books, 1981).
Book Chapters
Probleme der Wirtschaftskriminalitat am Beispiel des "Securities Fraud" [Securities
Fraud and the Problems of Economic Crime], in K. Liebl (ed.), Internationale Forschungsergebnisse
Auf dem Gebiet der Wirtschaftskriminalitat (Centaurus-Veragsgesellschaft, 1987)
THE TRUST INDENTURE ACT OF 1939, Chapter 8 in Sommer (ed.), The Federal Securities
Act (Matthew Bender, 1984, revised most recently through 2009.). Reprinted in Cavitch,
Business Organizations With Tax Planning, Vol. 4B, Chapter 94B (Matthew Bender).
"The Silent LLC Revolution-- The Social Cost of Academic Neglect", 38 Creighton Law
Review 35 (2004)
"Commentary on a Rare Luddite Victory - The Templeton Dragon Fund Shareholder Proposal No Action Letter," 1 Villanova Journal of Law and Investment Management 41 (1999).
"The Impact of NSMIA on State Regulation of Broker-Dealers and Investment Advisers,"
53 Business Lawyer 511 (1998).
"On Being Rich, Accredited and Undiversified: The Lacunae In Contemporary Securities
Regulation," 47 Okl. L. Rev. 291 (1994); reprinted in 28 Securities Law Review 249
"Rethinking Free Exercise: Rediscovering Religious Community and Ritual," 24 Seton
Hall L. Rev. 1800 (1994)
"The Oversupply of Regulatory Reform: From Law To Politics In Administrative Rulemaking,"
71 Neb. L. Rev. 1169 (1992)
"Destigmatizing the Innocent Defendant: Rehabilitating Reputation After an Assault
Under Color of Law," 28 Crim. L. Bull. 116 (1992)
"The Insider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1988," 68 N. Car. L.
Rev. 465 (1990)
"Why Do You Speak That Way?--Symbolic Expression Reconsidered," 15 Hastings Const.
L. Quar. 587 (1988)
"A Constitutional Analysis of Ohio's New Drunk Driving Law," 15 Univ. Tol. L. Rev.
133 (1983) (with D. Gifford)
"Efficient Market Theory and Rule 10b-5 Nondisclosure Claims: A Proposal for Reconciliation,"
47 Mo. L. Rev. 745 (1982)
"Some Reflections on the Corporation As Criminal Defendant," 55 Notre Dame Law. 173
"Confronting the Arab Boycott: A Lawyer's Baedeker," 19 Harvard Intl. L. Jour. 443
"The Validity of State Tender Offer Statutes," 13 Mergers & Acquisitions, No. 2, p.
4 (Spring 1978); Updated in 13 Mergers & Acquisitions, No. 3, p. 18 (Fall 1978)
"Price Level Accounting, Full Disclosure and Rule 10b-5; Half A Loaf Is Not Always
Better Than None," 124 Univ. Penn. L. R. 1013 (1976)
"The Impact of Specialization on Legal Education," in Amer. Bar Assoc. Specialization
Monograph No. 2, pp. 81-96 (1976)
"Updating the Trust Indenture Act," 7 Univ. Mich. J. of L. Reform 329 (1974), reprinted
in 1974 Securities Law Rev. 271
"The Public Interest Derivative Suit-- A Proposal for Enforcing Corporate Responsibility,"
24 Case Wes. Res. L. Rev. 294 (1973)
"Interest on Indian Claims: Judicial Protection of the Fisc," 5 Valparaiso Univ. L.
Rev. 26 (1970)
"The American Federal System: An Introduction for Canadian Law Students," 3 Manitoba
L. Jour. 19 (1969)
"Searching for a Blue Sky Remedy-- A Forum Shopper's Guide," 15 Wayne L. Rev. 1495
"The Concepts of Purchase and Sale Under the Federal Securities Laws," 14 N.Y.L. Forum
608 (1968)
"Financing of Employee Stock Purchase Plans Under New Regulation G," 23 Bus. Lawyer
947 (1968)
Book Reviews: • 45 N. Dak. L. R. 441 (1969); • 4 Univ. Tol. L. Rev. 162 (1972); •
5 Univ. Tol. L. Rev. 223 (1973); • 8 Univ. Tol. L. Rev. 586 (1977); • 10 Univ. Tol.
L. Rev. 641 (1979); • 4 Del. J. Corp. L. 646 (1979); • 57 Notre Dame Law. 207 (1982).
Other Writings:
Unpublished Teaching Materials: Materials on the Law of Agency and Partnership (1991);
"Certified Specialists in Securities Law... An Idea Whose Time has Come?" Ohio Securities
Bulletin, 1993, No. 1, p. 1;
"Prospectus Delivery By E-Mail," National Law Journal, June 26, 1995, p. C1.
"For Small Businesses-- Capital-Raising Barriers Fall," Lake Links, Fall/Winter 1997.
"Proxy Solicitations and the Cyberspace Revolution," Dec. 1997 Insights, p. 9.
"Creating and Maintaining a Web Site for Your Business Client-- An Overview of the
Legal Issues," Aspen Law & Business Corporation Bulletin (Jan. 15, 1998).
"Web Site Profile: The SEC's Web Site," The Internet Lawyer, Jan. 1998, pg. 6.
"How Far Have We Traveled in Cyberspace by This Proxy Season?," Dec. 1998 Insights,
p. 19.
“An Issue of Church Autonomy,” Liberty, Sept./Oct. 2011, pg. 26.