Political Science and Public Administration

Faculty and Staff


Dr. Jami Taylor

Professor/MPA Director

Jami Taylor, Ph.D., teaches a wide variety of courses in the areas of public policy, public administration and American politics. Prior to joining The University of Toledo, she served as a visiting assistant professor at Ohio University and as an adjunct for North Carolina State University. In addition, Jami has extensive real property valuation experience having served as a real estate appraiser for the City of Suffolk (VA).  She has also been a revenue officer for the Internal Revenue Service and a library assistant for the City of Chesapeake (VA).

Jami and Donald Haider-Markel (University of Kansas) co-edited Transgender Rights and Politics: Groups, Issue Framing, and Policy Adoption (2014, University of Michigan Press). With Daniel Lewis (Siena College), they are also the authors of The Remarkable Rise of Transgender Rights (2018, University of Michigan Press). Much of Jami's research addresses public service motivation, or the empirical study of LGBT rights related policy-making. Her work has appeared in the following peer reviewed journals:

In addition, Jami's work has also appeared in several edited volumes and she served on the editorial board for the Oxford Encyclopedia of LGBT Politics and Policy (Oxford University Press, 2021). She is currently on the editorial board for Political Research Quarterly.

Publications List via Google Scholar


  • Ph.D. in Public Administration, North Carolina State University
  • Master of Library and Information Science, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
  • Master of Public Administration, Old Dominion University
  • Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Old Dominion University

Research Interests

  • Interest groups and policymaking
  • LGBT politics and policy
  • Public service motivation
  • Policy diffusion


  • PSC 1200: American National Government
  • PSC 2300: Principles of State and Local Government
  • PSC 3250: Public Opinion
  • PSC 3410: Principles of Public Policy
  • PSC 3850: Sports, Politics and Society
  • PSC 4220/5220: Advocacy Groups in American Politics
  • PSC 4300/5300 Principles of Public Administration
  • PSC 4470/5470: Public Organization Theory
  • PSC 4590/5590: Law, Politics and the Policy of Sexuality
  • PSC 6110: Scope and Methods of Political Science
  • PSC 6430: Public Policy Process

Contact Information


Last Updated: 7/15/24