UToledo Lake Erie Center

LEC Map and Facility Information


Take a look around the outside of the Lake Erie Center (Quicktime required)

Inside the Lake Erie Center


The lobby entry-way of the LEC transports visitors into the world of Art and Science. Large windows and warm lighting create an inviting atmosphere where guests can socialize, read, or enjoy the view of Lake Erie. The gallery provides students and local artists an exquisite and unique space to present their work and take in the creative energies of others. The space is also utilized as a meeting space by various groups and organizations. 




Conference Room

Our conference room has all the amenities to enhance your presentations: a spacious conference table, dry-board, projector display, adjustable overhead lighting, and plenty of room to move about with ease. The conference room is enclosed with an entire glass wall that allows plenty of light.


Rotunda Gallery

The rotunda is an inviting aspect to our art gallery space. Now featured in the rotunda is our new 1000 gallon aquarium filled with fish native to Lake Erie, including yellow perch, bowfin, bluegill sunfish, and many more!

Environmental Wet Lab

The wet lab's design and construction accommodates research and support for the often muddy and wet research projects undertaken at the LEC. In support of these projects lake water is filtered and pumped directly from our own intake in the bay. Superior drainage and rugged construction materials further the support of aquatic research at the LEC. Well lit and heated, this lab allows an all  seasons research capability for Lake Erie projects.

Last Updated: 7/15/24