Department of Pharmacy Practice

Current HOSS Graduate Students

photo of torres

Nidia Torres

First-year: 2019

Advisor: Dr. Varun Vaidya 

Professional Summary 

My name is Nidia Torres. I am a first-generation student and college graduate. My undergraduate degree is in Pharmacy Administration, and I completed the bachelor's degree at the University of Toledo. I am currently a second-year student in the HOSS program with the hopes of eventually obtaining a Ph.D. in the field I am currently studying after I graduate.


  Yasna Hojjati

   First-year: 2019

   Advisor: Dr. Varun Vaidya


· Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSPS) Pharmacy Administration- Fall 2018

· Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (MSPS) Health & Socioeconomic Outcomes- Spring 2021

Professional Summary

Ms. Hojjati has completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science in 2018, she majored in Pharmacy Administration with a minor in business administration. Following graduation, she joined the HOSS program 2019, where she has been a graduate and teaching assistant in the HOSS department. She has been a teaching assistant for the following courses; Pharmacoeconomics (PHCAD), Health System, and Pharmacoeconomics Outcomes Research. Ms. Hojjati is also a member of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR).


  Safalta Khadka

   First-year: 2019

   Advisor: Dr. Varun Vaidya


· Bachelor of Pharmacy- March 2017

· Master of Science in pharmaceutical sciences (MSPS) Health & Socioeconomic Outcomes- Spring 2021

Professional Summary:

Ms. Khadka completed her undergraduate degree from Tribhuvan University, Nepal with a major in Pharmacy. Following graduation, she worked as a Quality Control Officer in Chemi Drug Private Limited. She also worked as an Instructor in the department of Pharmacy at Kantipur Dental College. She joined the Health and Socioeconomic Outcomes program at the University of Toledo in 2019. She has been a Graduate Assistant and also a teaching Assistant in the department for courses such as Research Methodology, Health System, Analysis of Pharmaceutical Environment, Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. As a graduate student, she has presented her research work in the form of oral and poster presentations in the annual meeting of AACP (American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy) and ACCP (American College of Clinical Pharmacy) respectively. She is also an awardee of University of Toledo Health Science Campus Retiree Scholarship. Ms. Khadka is a member of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) and a Social Media Specialist at Nepalese Student Organization at the University of Toledo.

Last Updated: 7/15/24