Division of Student Affairs

We offer a comprehensive educational student life program that engages students in holistic learning opportunities, promotes inclusive excellence, and prepares change agents to be global citizens within their personal and professional endeavors. We are the Division of Student Affairs.

Upcoming Events

Students talking on footsteps
Residence Life

Living on campus connects students with the vibrant life of the University. The close-knit, supportive on-campus community offers students a place to live and work that distinctly enhances their college experience. Learn more.

Students doing yoga at Centennial Mall
Recreational services

Recreational and wellness programs enrich student learning and promote a healthy lifestyle. Rec Services at UToledo offers opportunities for student wellbeing.  Learn more.

UToledo Police talking to a student
campus safety

The safety of our students, employees, patients and visitors is our priority. The Office of Public Safety strives to provide services and programs to promote a safe university environment. Learn more.

Student registering at involvement fair
Get Involved

Being part of a community strengthens the college experience. The Office of Student Engagement creates opportunities for students to get involved and experience campus life. Learn more.

Students talking around the table at Career Services Center
Rocket Career Center

Rocket Career Center works to connect students to meaningful learning experiences and assist students with major and career exploration. Learn more.

Student meeting with a staff member at a table in an office
Center for International Studies and Programs (CISP)

CISP links students with programs, activities and opportunities for international travel, networking and learning, supporting both our international and traditional students. Learn more.

student meeting with a staff member
Center for advocacy and Student Experience (CASE)

The college experience can be stressful and challenging for students. However, when a difficult situation interferes with a student's personal wellness, CASE works alongside students to empower success. Learn more.

Students talking by the fountain in Student Union with University Hall in the background
office of multicultural student success

An inclusive learning environment promotes academic success, retention and graduation. OMSS critically engages students to create a campus culture in which all persons, organizations, and groups can learn and develop to achieve their greatest potential. Learn more.

counseling session in office
University Counseling Center

As you navigate your college career you may experience life transitions, difficult situations, or hardships that impact your life. UCC provides resources and services for UToledo students to learn skills, establish community, and feel empowered to succeed.  Learn more.

More Services

The Division of Student Affairs is the student's greatest resource. We offer high-impact programs and services that support the academic enterprise. Learn more.

STAFF Recognition

Alyssa Waisner--March

As an integral part of Rocket Career Center, Alyssa consistently demonstrates exceptional dedication, proficiency, and a vibrant spirit that truly embodies the essence of this award. As events coordinator and mastermind behind all things data, Alyssa has set a benchmark for excellence. Her ability to seamlessly juggle numerous responsibilities while maintaining a keen eye for precision is truly commendable. Alyssa's contributions have not only streamlined our operations but have also enhanced the overall effectiveness and success of our endeavors.  Beyond her professional expertise, Alyssa's infectious enthusiasm and engaging demeanor uplift our office environment. Her jovial nature and genuine warmth make her a pleasure to work alongside, fostering a sense of camaraderie and positivity among our staff and students alike. Alyssa has an uncanny ability to turn the most mundane tasks into delightful anecdotes, infusing our workplace with laughter and joy.  Her talent, personality, and unwavering positivity make her an invaluable asset to our office.--DeMya Wimberly


Shawanna Lavoy--March

Shawanna epitomizes the essence of an unsung Shero, whose contributions to the UT community remain unparalleled. Her commitment to her role is evident in her relentless pursuit of excellence and her steadfast determination to make a difference. Despite the demands of her responsibilities, Shawanna's warmth and generosity of spirit remain unwavering. She tirelessly works to advance UT's mission, often extending her efforts into the night. She navigates multiple responsibilities with grace and poise. When I started at UT, Shawanna's name was reverently mentioned as someone to connect with. Since then, she has not only been a supportive colleague but also a beacon of guidance and encouragement. Shawanna's contributions, dedication, and impact on the lives of those around her is proof that she deserves the DSA Staff Recognition Award. Thank you for you do!—Tessa Scott


Sheree Madison-Emory--February

Sheree is like the Pied Piper for students. They are drawn to her and can constantly be seen occupying any space that she is in. That ability to draw and give students a sense of belonging, while still holding them accountable, is what is needed now more than ever at UTOLEDO. Her work ethic and desire to see her students win is admirable. She is an asset to the institution and should be highly valued.


Tessa Scott--February

Tessa's dedication, organizational skills, and commitment to inclusivity have truly set a standard of excellence within our university community and beyond. Her exceptional contributions during Black History Month programming included strategic outreach, engaging community, and raising funds. Tessa has also been making remarkable strides in connecting with students. Tessa shows pleasure in her work, meaningful interactions with students, and connections with colleagues. She carries a smile on her face throughout the day, a sign of her delight to be a part of this team and this University. This past month was her month to shine and she did just that. Tessa Scott, YOU GO GIRL!!!


Karren Gunalan--January

After Karren's interview last spring, I knew she would be a great fit for our team.  From day 1, she jumped right in, ready to take charge.  She can be counted on and doesn't falter under pressure.  She took charge of planning and executing our spring student staff training.  Anyone that has spent a week training students knows that it's about as easy as herding cats, and Karren managed with a smile.  Our office has had a lot of transition and turmoil over the last few years, but this year, with the addition of Karren, Res Life shines in ways it hasn't in a long time.  Over 100 students attended a Halloween escape room hosted by her building.  Her staff is one of the most committed and engaged groups in I-House in years.  Residents from many building attended I-House's Holidays Around the World program.  Karren interacts with many of the IH residents, knowing them by name.  She has created an atmosphere in her building where domestic and international students feel welcome and part of a community.  She truly has the residents' best interest at heart.--Rebecca Lauber


Ting Li--January

Ting is constantly coming up with innovative ways to create opportunities at the American Language Institute (ALI) and goes above and beyond to give her students at the ALI not just the English education they seek but an overall unforgettable experience.  She organizes special get togethers such as a camping trip, breakfast during final exams, and American holiday celebrations, and she encourages them to share their culture and holiday traditions as well.  It is an obvious priority that the students feel included and supported on campus and get a well rounded experience.  I often see previous ALI students who've moved on to UT degree programs in the ALI office in Snyder Memorial because they still feel comfortable there.  Ting is doing an extraordinary job running ALI! *insert finger snaps*—Danielle Casiano


Laura Jane Rasmussen (LJ)--December

Laura Jane Rasmussen (LJ) deserves this shout out for many reasons. First are her amazing creative talents and technology skills that she applies effortlessly to so many projects for our department and DSA. There is not a technical problem she can't solve...Second, Laura brings positivity and genuine care and concern for students and staff to everything she does. She leads with her heart and will go out of her way to help anyone in need. She is kind and affirming when working with students and does not say "No" to their last-minute requests even if they come in during her lunch hour or at the end of the day. Third, LJ continues to demonstrate her growth as a leader…evident during several office transitions, and she handles unexpected challenges with competence and grace. It is a joy to work with her and I am beyond grateful every day to have her on my Team!—Shelly Drouillard


Brad Ledingham--December

Brad has been a team member in the Division of Student Affairs for nine years. Throughout that time Brad worked primarily in Residence Life and was then hired as Coordinator for Student Conduct and Community Standards in 2022. Brad has grown tremendously in his leadership in the division and is especially integral to the function of CASE. Brad can be counted on to be calm and effective in crisis and is always willing to lend a helping hand. No matter what student issue walks in the door, Brad is able to assist if needed and help that student feel comfortable and supported. Brad's presence and ability to manage situations has helped me be able to have less stress. I am very proud of Brad and the work he has done to improve the programs and processes of our area. Brad is an unsung hero of our division, and his hard work often goes without recognition. I think that Gnomeo or Juliet would feel right at home in Brad's office for a little while.—Alex Lewin


DeMya Wimberly--November

"DeMya has embodied everything it means to be a member of the DSA...He is always ready to start his day and commit himself to improving the student experience. He is constantly meeting with students...and helping them navigate what can be a very stressful and unclear time...He partners with various orgs on campus and presents to classes...In the short time he's been here, he's become an invaluable team member...Thank you for all that you do DeMya!" --Alyssa Waisner

"I would like to express my appreciation for DeMya Wimberly, who provided exceptional career counseling to me during a difficult period...DeMya...asked me how I was doing and wanted to learn more about me. This reduced my stress and helped me concentrate..He also followed up with me regularly to see how I was doing. I am very grateful to DeMya for assisting me in securing a wonderful new position in a short period of time."--David Cassavar


Anne Bennett--November

"I am writing this nomination to recognize the behind the scene dedication and commitment that Anne has shown to our entire division. Anne has tirelessly been working to make upgrades and create a more user-friendly website for the division, while also supporting individual offices and areas with website updates, etc.  Anne is also one of the first people in the division that, when there is a need, she steps in to fill it. Whether you are asking her to help move tables, manage check-in, or help serve food, she does so with a smile and a passion to make sure that the students have an incredible experience."--Alex Zernechel


Becca Wait--October

"Becca embodies what it means to be a true leader on the DSA team.  Her programs and events are run with precision and care.  She is quick to respond to student needs and ensures that all voices are heard in the planning process.   Her leadership came alive during the UToledo Leadership Retreat.   She led a large group of students through a thoughtful planning process. She evaluated a long standing program and implemented great changes.  It was a true pleasure to watch her work and see her project come alive.   Most importantly, she kept students at the center of the process and she did all of this with a smile." 

Becca has also revamped the Presidential Ambassadors program and works with various political organizations to focus on Civic Engagement and developing meaningful relationships both on campus and in the community.


Gnomeo and Juliet

Recognized for bringing delight and gnever-ending whimsy to Division of Student Affairs, Gnomeo and Juliet continually inspire their colleagues.

Gnomeo and Juliet will be on new adventures next month, traveling to the offices of the newest Division of Student Affairs Staff recognized for outstanding contribution to improving the student experience.  

Please be sure to take a moment to nominate your peers for next month's recognition.

The Division of Student Affairs welcomes you to nominate a DSA staff member who has done something important and meaningful to improve the student experience.

Nominate a Staff Member for Recognition

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Last Updated: 7/15/24