The University of Toledo Admission

College Credit Plus Details

Page Contents

What is College Credit Plus (CCP)?

CCP is a state-funded program that allows Ohio students to take college courses at little or no cost. You can often get dual credit — choosing college courses that also fulfill your high school requirements.

Many of our partner schools offer CCP pathways, a collection of recommended classes to introduce you to a specific career field. UToledo offers 15- or 30-hour pathways in such areas as business, engineering, health and more.

CCP Partner Schools

Who is eligible to take CCP courses?

Any Ohio student in grades 7-12 may enroll in CCP courses if they meet program and admission requirements.

Who should take CCP classes?

Enrolling in College Credit Plus is a decision that shouldn’t be made lightly.

These courses are college courses and will count toward your college GPA and appear on your college and high school transcripts. Your grades in CCP courses impact your college GPA even if you choose not to attend UToledo in the future. 

Most of our CCP students:

  • Are self-motivated, independent learners
  • Know how to seek help when they have questions
  • Have good time-management skills
Honest feedback from current CCP Students

“Make sure you have enough time.”

“It’s lots more work than high school, and it’s harder.”

“It’s a lot more reading, and you have fewer tests.”

“There’s no teacher in your face checking on you.”

When does UToledo offer CCP classes?

CCP courses are available in the summer, fall and spring semesters. The summer sessions are six weeks. But the content of a full 15-week semester course is taught during that period.

Note: The first summer session begins in the middle of May and may conflict with your high school coursework and end-of-year high school exams.

UToledo Academic Calendar

How many classes can I take?

You may take 30 credit hours a year and 120 overall. Note that the summer semester is the beginning of our academic year and the official count for the year begins then.

What is a credit hour?

Most universities award credit by the semester hour. Most courses are worth 3 credit hours — 1 hour per week of class time and 2 hours of student preparation time. Some courses may be worth more or fewer credit hours.

If your CCP courses are all worth three credit hours, you will be eligible to take 10 courses a year.

Are classes online or on campus?

Both! You choose what works best for your learning style and schedule. You may even be able to take classes at your high school.

100% online

Attend class anytime and anywhere it’s convenient for you.

  • Online content delivery and interaction
  • Online activities include videos, reading assignments, threaded discussions, written assignments, group projects and tests.

Attend online class on specific days and times.

  • Interactive real-time video
  • Additional online content delivery to be completed at your convenience
  • Online activities include videos, reading assignments, threaded discussion, written assignments and group projects.
  • Availability of 100% online courses may be limited.

Blended (on campus and online)

This is known as a flipped classroom — online learning combined with on-campus classwork.

  • Complete much of the reading and learning online (watching videos; posting on the class message/discussion board).
  • Come to campus for classroom time focused on discussions/activities/assignment reviews.

Availability of blended courses may be limited.

In person

Attend class on the UToledo campus or at your high school.

UToledo campus

  • Attend classes with full-time college students at the published scheduled times.
  • University faculty members are primary instructors.
  • Follow our semester calendar schedule.

High school campus

  • Attend classes at scheduled class times with your classmates at your high school.
  • Class content and expectations mirror UToledo classes.
  • Credentialed high school teachers approved by the UToledo Provost are primary instructors. They collaborate with an assigned University mentor.
  • Follow your high school academic calendar.

College Credit Plus Policies


College Credit Plus grades become a part of your high school and college transcripts.

Contact your instructor or professor if you have questions about grades. Do not call your success coach. UToledo does not send out grade reports or give out grade information by phone.

GPA requirements for continuation in the College Credit Plus program

You must maintain a semester 2.0 college GPA to remain active in the program. This policy is strictly enforced. No exceptions.

If you drop below a 2.0 semester college GPA, you will be placed on probation for a semester and given a chance to bring up your GPA. You may take only one course while on probation.

Failing grades

If you receive a grade of “F,” the high school (for public school students) or state of Ohio (for homeschooled and private school students) has the right to bill you for that class.

UToledo doesn’t automatically intervene if you are doing poorly in class. It’s up to you to follow your academic progress and meet with your professor or success coach when necessary.

Dropping or withdrawing from classes

Make sure you understand the difference between dropping and withdrawing from a class.

  • A dropped course will be removed from your schedule and will not appear on your official transcript.
  • Withdrawing from a course will result in a grade of “W,” which will appear on your official transcript. A grade of “W” is not calculated into your grade point average (GPA).

If you withdraw from two or more courses the same semester, you will be placed on probation.  You also may need to reimburse your school for the classes from which you withdraw.  Withdrawing is a last resort, but it does protect your GPA. 

There are no penalties for dropping a class.

You officially drop or withdraw from a course through myUT. It is considered a drop if you officially remove yourself within the first two weeks of the start of fall or spring courses, or within one week of the start of summer courses. If you make the choice any later, it will be considered a withdrawal.

Class attendance

Students are required to attend all class sessions. Professors should be contacted if you are going to miss a class. If your absence will be extended, contact your success coach as well as your professor. 

Keep in mind that if your high school is not in session because of conferences, fog/snow days, spring break, etc., The University of Toledo may still be open. You are expected to attend your UToledo classes on those days.

Financial responsibilities

Your UToledo tuition is covered by the state, but you do have to pay for your parking permit if you need one. Home school students also are responsible for course material fees.

UToledo does not send out bills. You must check your account balance through the myUT portal, under “My Account”. It’s important to pay your bill by the due date to avoid late payment fees.

Selective Service

Males must register for selective service on their 18th birthday. You can register online for selective service or through your area post office. The Registrar’s Office verifies your registration and will notify you by email if you aren’t in compliance. If UToledo does not have verification that you are registered for selective service, you will be billed out-of-state fees for all CCP classes you have taken.

Credit hour requirements and high school class load

CCP students can take up to 30 credit hours per academic year, which includes both college and high school classes. Check with your counselor to monitor your credit hour totals. Student athletes must maintain a minimum number of credits to maintain eligibility and should check with their high school counselor to ensure eligibility.

CCP student participation

CCP students may use their student ID to access any of the facilities that other UToledo students use — Recreation Center, library, computer labs, Learning Enhancement Center, Writing Center, Rocket Career Center and more. You also may attend UToledo athletic events for free.

You may participate in high school athletics, as long as you meet the requirements of your school district.

CCP students are restricted from participating in most UToledo student organizations, student activities, Greek Life and collegiate athletics.

Registration holds

We place a registration hold on your student account for one of the following reasons:

  • Parking tickets
  • Library fines
  • Lab breakage
  • Overdue accounts

It is imperative that you clear any holds from your account as soon as possible. We can’t send transcripts to your high school if you have a registration hold on your account. This could affect your graduation. You also can’t register for next term if you have a registration hold.

Additional financial aid

CCP students are not eligible for tuition waivers if their parents are UToledo employees or additional financial support. If CCP students continue their education at UToledo and remain in good academic standing, they will be eligible for and may apply for financial aid.

Code of conduct

CCP students are subject to The University of Toledo’s student conduct and discipline system.

Student Code of Conduct PDF


CCP Frequently Asked Questions

Last Updated: 7/15/24