University Libraries

Collections & Connections - Vol 1, no. 1, January 2008


Volume I, Issue I                 January 2008  >>


We are excited to present our first newsletter that will provide updates on behalf of the University Libraries, eLearning, and Academic Support.  Our primary goal is to keep all of you apprised of the many happenings taking place at the Libraries.  Enjoy the read and please let us know if you have any suggestions or questions.

Have you visited the new Information Commons at the Carlson Library?

Information Commons service deskCarlson Library is pleased to announce the opening of the Information Commons.

The Information Commons was a joint venture between University Libraries and Information Technology to refurbish the first floor of Carlson Library.  The newly renovated floor features Circulation, Information and Help desks, two media production rooms, three classrooms for information literacy instruction, over 125 computer stations, 90 laptop computers and three study rooms.

New Hours Announced

The Information Commons is now open 24 hours a day, five days a week, from Sunday through Thursday.  The extended hours began the first week of December and averaged close to 300 patrons throughout the night and early morning hours during the first week.  The feedback from students about the extended hours has been extremely positive.  Overall library usage has increased nearly 30% since the opening of the Information Commons.

Director of Development

Jim WaiteJim Waite is the new Director of Development for University Libraries, eLearning, and Academic Support.  Jim comes to The University of Toledo with over 20 years of experience as a higher educational professional.  He has worked in various student affairs positions, most recently as the Director of the Michigan Union at the University of Michigan.  Please feel free to contact Jim at 419-530-5414 or via e-mail at

Library Giving Site Goes On-Line

Giving to the University Libraries, eLearning, and Academic Support has never been easier.  Now, with one easy click, internet users can make a donation to support the Libraries.  Access can be obtained by clicking the following link or by going to our main web site at and clicking on the giving section tab found under General Information on the main webpage.

The Library is Seeking…

Shelves displaying new book purchasesAs the costs of print resources increase, University Libraries strive to provide the best instructional and research resources for our students and faculty.  The Library is Seeking…looks for private funding for items on the Library’s wish list.  Your donation allows us to maintain and expand the Libraries’ resources. Donations help provide valuable resources that strengthen the Libraries’ outstanding collections.  These donations make the difference between an ordinary library and one that is exceptional in the depth and scope of its holdings.

For as little as $50, you can purchase a book in any academic area of your choosing.  A personalized book plate will be placed inside the front cover of the book purchased by your donation.  For more information contact Jim Waite.

A few items on our wish list are…

$1,295.00 for The Encyclopedia of Popular Music. Fourth Edition. Oxford University Press.  This authoritative biographical encyclopedia of rock, pop, and jazz artists covers popular music from 1900 to the present, including folk, blues, world music, rock, heavy metal, techno, reggae, and hip hop. Edited and largely written by Colin Larkin, it is exhaustive, meticulous, authoritative -- and incredibly fun to read.

$425 for The Encyclopedia of Global Health. Sage Publications, Inc. This comprehensive, one stop reference to a broad array of health topics worldwide encompasses four volumes with more than 1,200 articles. The Encyclopedia covers all aspects of health, including physical and mental health entries, biographies of major doctors and researchers, profiles of medical institutions, organizations, and corporations, descriptions of drugs and operations, articles on national health policies, and thematic health topics in the humanities.

Rare Book $400 for Lifting as They Climb by Elizabeth Lindsay Davis. This first edition, first published in 1933, is a history of the National Association of Colored Women. Previous owner is Dr. Mary J. Waring (name stamp visible) of Chicago, who was Vice President of the Association from 1930-1933 and President from 1933-1937. 

Last Updated: 7/15/24