english corner
About English Corner
English Corner is a fun, free, informal weekly time of tutoring for international
students who would like to improve their conversational English skills. It is open
to any international person who wants to attend, including spouses of students, Owens
Community College students, and other residents of the greater Toledo area. The topics
are unique to each class, so you can attend as many English Corner classes as you
like.We practice everyday conversation, pronunciation and speaking skills using a
variety of topics and fun exercises.
We usually serve light refreshments during our in-person meetings and have a great
time together.
Some activities have included playing games that use English, watching a video clip
and discussing it, sharing about cross-cultural topics, going on field trips, fun
events like picnics and cookouts, and much more!
Come and enjoy a combination of friendship and English help!
If you are interested in participating in English Corner, fill out the Registration Form.
It may take a little time to get you connected, so please be patient. After you register,
one of our group leaders should contact you and invite you to his or her English Corner
English Corner Possibilities
English Corner Online classes
Covid-19 did not stop English Corner! Some of our classes are online video chat groups.
This has also allowed some to join from their home country, so some English Corner
classes will continue to meet online. Please fill out the registration form and Wes
will contact you to let you know the available days and times for online classes:
As a bonus, you can now participate in English Corner if you are no longer in Toledo!
Just register if you want to participate.
Call Wes Blood, 419-705-5056, or email him at wdbbdw@aol.com.
English Corner In-Person Classes
Some of our classes have returned to meeting in person. We have at least one in-person
class at the following locations:
• University of Toledo - Snyder Memorial Hall
• Owens Community College - Heritage Hall
The days, times and classrooms for these classes vary from semester to semester, so
please register, and we will send you the available class times and locations. For
more information, please call or text Wes Blood at, 419-705-5056, or email him at