

Surgeons call for ban on pedicle screw reuse 

This article appeared in the Spinal News International Sept 18, issue 48.
The article focused on reprocessed pedicle screws and the results garnered from four studies conducted by Aakash Agarwal (Departments of Bioengineering and Orthopaedic Surgery, Engineering Center for Orthopaedic Research Excellence) and colleagues.  Results of the study showed that reprocessed pedicle screws contained traces of saccharides, soap and salt residue.  There is a picture example showing pre-sterile pre-packaged screw with intraoperative guard (no bacteria) vs. pre-sterile pre-packaged screw without intraoperative guard (bacteria). Aakash Agarwal also the Director of Research and Development for Spinal Balance reported directly to the journal as they reached out to add to the covered news story.  Spinal Balance a company providing sterile no touch orthopedic implants and its CEO, Dr. Anand Agarwal were also mentioned in the article.  https://spinalnewsinternational.com/pedicle-screw-reuse/

CNSF (Coalition for National Science Funding) 24th Annual Exhibition

What: "Investments in Scientific and Educational Research: Fueling American Innovation"
When:  Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Where:  Washington, DC

Groundbreaking Research Fueling American Innovation
Dr.'s Bhaduri and Goel participated at the Exhibition and presented about their development of a regenerative material to be used in spinal surgeries. The material is now being manufactured locally, providing a direct impact on communities in Ohio. Many national societies participated in the exhibition to show-off exemplary research.  Bhaduri/Goel project was selected and sponsored by the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). Nationwide, Bhaduri/Goel project was chosen as the finalist on behalf of the institute. Out of 40 poster displayed, all from different universities, theirs was selected as one of the five groundbreaking projects affecting the lives of Americans.

The CNSF Exhibition and Reception annually draws more than 300 attendees, including members of Congress and their staff, congressional committee staff, the leadership of NSF, and representatives from the White House and other policymaking and research agencies.

 2018 CDMI Biannual Meeting
The 2018 meeting was held on March 22 & 23, 2018 at University of Toledo in the Brady Center. Over 95 participants (including current Industry Advisory Board Members) were on hand to hear the project presentation updates. The group meets quarterly, twice via web x conference call meeting, twice at prospective University hosted on-site meetings.  UCSF will host the next meeting in September 2018.

group photo 2017

Visit www.nsfcdmi.org for further program details.

Public Workshop - Orthopaedic Sensing, Measuring, and Advanced Reporting Technology (SMART) Devices, April 30, 2018


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing a public Workshop entitled "Orthopaedic Sensing, Measuring, and Advanced Reporting Technology (SMART) Devices."  The purpose of the workshop is to discuss the development of Orthopaedic SMART Devices. The workshop is intended to enhance engagement with stakeholders to facilitate device development and to discuss scientific and regulatory challenges associated with Orthopaedic SMART Devices. Public input and feedback gained through this workshop may aid in the efficient development of innovative, safe and effective, Orthopaedic SMART Devices, for better patient care.

E-CORE and UCSF are co-hosts and co-collaborators of the workshop.  Dr. Vijay Goel , Co-director of E-CORE and CDMI, is going to moderate a session " Engineering and Technology Considerations."  Over 400 participants are expected-both in person and via webex.



AIMBE Fellow Recognition/Citation: 4WEB Medical, the industry leader in 3D printed implant technology, announced the results of a new study demonstrating reduced subsidence for its Lateral Spine Truss System (LSTS) as compared to annular interbody implant designs …... The study was led by Vijay Goel, PhD at the University of Toledo, one of the country's foremost orthopedic biomechanics institutes. The full story and acknowledgement can be found at http://aimbe.org/college-of-fellows/COF-0341/. (Oct. 26, 2017)

 2017 CDMI Biannual Meeting

The CDMI held its biannual meeting on April 5 & 6 2017 in Toledo, Ohio. Current project teams presented updates to the Industry Advisory Board.
cdmi group pic

 For event details, please visit


American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) establishes goel award

 The ASB established the Goel award this past August. This award recognizes outstanding accomplishments in the translational biomechanics research, entrepreneurship, and societal benefit. This award is named after Dr. Vijay Goel, the ASB Borelli Award winner in 2014 and will be given annually to an ASB member. Recipients of the award will receive $1,000 and an engraved plaque. This award is open to all ASB members excluding officers and committees members.

2016 ASB Fellowship  

Dr. Vijay Goel elected to fellow status in ASB. The ASB will recognize Dr. Goel along with other inductees this summer at the 40th anniversary meeting being held in Raleigh, NC in August.

United States Patent Issued

The United States Patent and Trademark Office awarded a patent for: SIMPLIFIED SPINE TESTING DEVICE. The applicants for this device are:  ATS Holdings LLC, The University of Toledo, and The University of Kansas. The Inventors listed on patent are: Norman L. Carroll, Edward C. Cartwright, Robert J. Gephardt,Christopher L. Dixon, Vijay K. Goel and Elizabeth A. Friis . This patent was issued on June 28, 2016.  The University News featured an article on this achievement. The  article can be found on page 4. http://www.utoledo.edu/offices/marketing/utnews/pdfs/UTnewspdfs/2016.09.12.UTNews.pdf


Last Updated: 7/15/24