Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program

Occupational Therapy


Alexia E. Metz, Ph.D., OTR/L.
Associate Professor

School of Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences

Contact Information
Office: HH 2102B
Mail Stop 119
Phone: 419.530.6692
Fax: 419.530.4780
Email: alexia.metz@utoledo.edu

If you’ve linked to this page to learn more about
a research study, please contact Dr. Metz
for further information. Thanks for your interest!

Request Curriculum Vitae

B.S. 1995, Eastern Michigan University, Occupational Therapy
Ph.D. 2006, Northwestern University, Neuroscience
Dr. Metz joined the Occupational Therapy Program in 2007.


  • Sensory Processing and Sensory Processing Disorder
  • Occupational therapy approaches to maximize occupational performance in children with special needs through family-centered practice
  • Best practices in interprofessional teaming in service to young children and their families

OCCT7020/PHYT 5070 In this interprofessional course, Dr. Metz provides an introduction to the nervous system, with emphasis on the neurological basis of human function and the effects of neurological conditions (disease, injury, and mental illness) on performance. The course includes lectures ranging from the physiology of neurons to systems-level neuroscience. Students engage in studying the scientific literature as it relates to rehabilitation practice and perform a dissection of a human brain!

OCCT7040 In this course, Dr. Metz introduces knowledge specific to Occupational Therapy practice with pediatric populations, including psychosocial, cognitive, and physical development; child- and family-centered practice; and the occupations of children. Several models of practice used in pediatric Occupational Therapy are introduced or reviewed including psychosocial, acquisitional, play, and sensory integration. Students have the opportunity to practice conducting an assessment with a  typically developing child at a local child care facility

OCCT8050 This course focuses on psychosocial aspects of disease and disability, as well as, prevention of occupational impairment. Students in this course explore the occupational therapy process through a series of case studies across the lifespan.

Last Updated: 7/15/24