Living Science - The Ever-Changing Periodic Table
A community builds a table of chemical elements
Living Science - The Ever-Changing Periodic Table! This incredible interactive display
was made possible by the Women & Philanthropy of the University of Toledo.
The display shows real-life examples of each of the 118 known elements and include
interactive screens displaying various apps related to the periodic table. Click here to see how the project progressed!
Do you want to design your own box?
1. Pick your favorite element.
2. Let us know.
3. Be a scientist and research it!
4. Gather the items you want in your box!
If you would like to design a display box, contact Kristin:
You will be reimbursed for items gathered. Check below to make sure your element is still available!
Click on an element to see the webpage associated with it!
Boxes containing an asterisk have already been designated.
H* | He* | ||||||||||||||||
Li* | Be* | B* | C* | N | O* | F* | Ne* | ||||||||||
Na* | Mg* | Al* | Si* | P | S | Cl* | Ar* | ||||||||||
K* | Ca* | Sc | Ti* | V* | Cr* | Mn* | Fe* | Co* | Ni* | Cu* | Zn* | Ga* | Ge | As* | Se | Br | Kr* |
Rb | Sr | Y | Zr* | Nb | Mo | Tc | Ru | Rh | Pd | Ag* | Cd* | In | Sn* | Sb | Te | I* | Xe* |
Cs | Ba | Hf* | Ta | W* | Re | Os* | Ir | Pt* | Au* | Hg* | Tl | Pb* | Bi* | Po* | At | Rn | |
Fr | Ra* | Rf | Db | Sg* | Bh* | Hs | Mt | Ds | Rg | Cn | Nh | Fl | Mc | Lv | Ts | Og | |
La* | Ce | Pr | Nd* | Pm* | Sm | Eu | Gd* | Tb | Dy | Ho* | Er | Tm | Yb | Lu* | |||
Ac | Th* | Pa | U* | Np | Pu | Am* | Cm | Bk | Cf | Es | Fm | Md | No* | Lr* | |||
Neon* |
Iron* Zinc* |
Tin* |
Gold* Lead* |