Enrollment Management

Enrollment Operations

The Enrollment Operations department processes all undergraduate admission applications for domestic students, enters inquiry data into the student recruitment system, and prepares related mailings.

The team consists of both full and part-time staff.  Their functions include:

  • Entering prospective student data collected by our recruitment staff into our student recruitment system.
  • Processing recruitment mailings.
  • Entering admission applications, transcripts, test scores, and transfer credit data into our recruitment and student systems.
  • Reviewing application information and making admission decisions based upon the University’s established admission requirements.
  • Mailing admission decision letters and scanning all application materials.
  • Monitoring related student data to ensure data integrity.

The recruitment officers in the various admission offices are happy to assist students or parents with questions about the application process or the status of an application and will work with the Enrollment Operations team when needed to answer questions.

For information on how to apply you may go to http://www.utoledo.edu/admission/apply/

Admission Requirement Information can be found at:

Contact Information

800-5TOLEDO or 419.530.8888

Last Updated: 7/15/24