Student-Athlete Support Services (SASS)

academic progress

Students at computers

The Student-Athlete Support Services (SASS) monitors student athletes' academic progress throughout the semester by varies checks such as Early Alerts, Academic Progress Reports, Blackboard and communication with faculty and staff.

Academic Progress Reports are mailed to faculty/staff of all student-athletes two-three times per semester (prior to midterm exams and prior to the last day to withdrawal) for feedback on their current status in class that provides information from instructors regarding class attendance, class participation, current grades, assignments, concerns and suggestions to improve.

Progress Reports are a helpful tool for student-athletes to assess their progress in each course and to make improvements where necessary. Such feedback also encourages student-athletes to meet with instructors during office hours for additional help. All information gathered from the progress reports is communicated to the student-athletes, coaches and administration for each sport program.

Blackboard Logo     Starfish Logo

Last Updated: 7/15/24